Sunday, August 3, 2008

Obama-McCain = together tell the truth to America = Oil Lobby and Neocon Lobby keep America addicted to Oil, Kurds and Kazakhastan oil deals

In my opinion

Senators McCain and Obama, if they are so patriotic and concerned, they should immediately get together and agree on telling the truth to the American People today :

As long as we are addicted to foreign Oil and Gas for our Energy , we are totally dependent on what happens in the Middle East,and specially in Saudi Arabia and Israel,our only so called "allies" in the area and with billions of barrels of oil and run by their bankers the Hedge-Funds run mostly by israeli americans and israeli nationals ,is these 2 groups the most interested in keeping us addicted to Oil ,Gas and to the region where most of the oil is,and these 2 are always pushing us against the other 3 or 4 big sources of Oil : Russia, Venezuela ,Libya and Iran, so
that we only have Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries and only one partner in the area,Israel, the whole policy is a trap,it's a fabricated monopoly , but hey ! we are falling for it every day ! one to blame but ourselves...

Senators McCain and Obama, if they are so patriotic and concerned , they should immediately get together and agree on the biggest terrorist threats to America today :

a) Our Foreign Oil and Gas Dependency, the 700 billion dollars a year flowing out of the country , slowly bankrupting our ECONOMIC systems , eating away money for infrastructure, EATING AWAY MONEY FOR HEALTH , for training in new technologies like solar,wind, geothermal,electric cars and trucks, fuel-cells, ethanol from sugar cane and jathropa, biodiesels,etc...

b) The first one to be Energy Independent since 9/11 must be the Military,already they should have 2 plants for gas to liquid and coal-to-gas-to-liquid, 2 plants more for jathropa to ethanol and jet fuel substitute and 2 more plants for algae-seaweed to jet fuel,so that the Military has always at least 4 options locally for fuel, the 2 candidates must stop their childish bickering and gossip nonsense and demand immediate construction of these plants....

c) Together they should demand 8 more plants for 4 basic solar technogies and instant training for roofers,carpenters,plumbers,electricians,architects,programmers,harware and software designers,etc., RIGHT NOW !!!

d) a wind farm in every State, just like , 10.000-megawatts + in every State

e) demand Congress pass the PRODUCTION TAX CREDIT to save Alternative Sources of Energy ,here the GOP has blocked 4 times in the last 2 months this Lagislation ,how can we talk Patriotism and go against Alternative Energy Sources right here in the USA ?

f) a geothermal site in every State and get the car makers to start putting electric cars back in the streets , and i say back because GM had them since 1996 to 2003, they had them and they closed them down because of the Oil Lobby and Saudi Arabia and Israel,they dont want us to be Energy Independent.....

3 debates ahead, it's time to break free.

in my opinion, when we see the 2 Candidates surrounded by neocons ( McCain flirting with R.Cantor and his AIPAC neocon group and Obama as well with Furman,Rubin , Kramer and all the Hedge-Funds crowd in tow , we must all together in America tell them: GET THE NEOCONS ,THE OIL LOBBY ,THEIR HEDGE FUNDS AND INVESTMENT BANKERS OUT OF YOUR TEAMS !!!

and to the Military Police ,the FBI,the local Law Enforcement and the young Officers in the front lines:

These Hedge-Funds around the 2 candidates are the biggest stockholders in the Military and Security Contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan,they are making billions from the War,from the dead, from the wounded, from you and me, from all the taxpayers in America, they are war profiteers, that's why like the media reports this week , Richard Perle,one of the biggest promoters of the Iraq war , he and his partners are trying to find a way to go to the Kurds area in Iraq and to Kazakhastan to sign Oil and Gas deals,they were the ones who organized the Rendition centers there and in exchange they have to go there and sign the titles for the my opinion, if any of these neocon warmongers and War profiteers: Perle,Feith, Wolfowitz,Berman, Rosen, Mehlman,Abrams, Gorelick, Fleischer, Zakheim,Mukasey,Chertoff, Bodman,Wurmser,Libby ,Goss,etc., if they or their partners, law firms, associates and family members sign one oil , gas or minerals deal, ARREST them ON THE SPOT FOR WAR PROFITEERING AND HIGH TREASON,they and their neocon team has been in charge of Policy in Washington D.C. since the late 90's,and since early 2001 they have been in almost total control of the Executive,almost all the Pentagon and most of the Intelligence, not to mention the Wall Street Finances making the profits in the War : they are responsible, they made the decisions and the profits,let them pay for it.

in the meantime, the candidates must be clear also about this:

the FCC wants to auction wireless spectrum so that America can have free wireless broadband, since 1996 instead of more choices, we are now under the monopolistic control of Comcast,Verizon and ATT,etc., we can't even choose TV or video wireless technologies,we can't even choose browsers or send our videos to whoever we want, we can't even choose applications for some of our mobile phones , most of the technology is controlled by Qualcomm, so we have to pay royalties to them for the rest of our lives even when many in D.C. and San Diego,Ca. know that Qualcomm and Jacobs,Sr. its CEO, took a lot of technology in CDMA patents from the USA Military, and if not, where are the Wireless Technologies of the Navy and Air Force that thery were using until Jacobs and Qualcomm went to work for them and then went to the Patent office to register ? where are the radios of the Military until 1995 ? where ? now we are number 14 in the world for broadband penetration,absurd ! ..... where do the candidates stand on all this ? Broadband and Energy Independence are vital for America's future, we need new leaders , not the same old corrupt nonsense.