Sunday, April 27, 2008

9/11/01 and the Insurance scam, neocons and the signed and dated Iranian bombs

another neocon is at it again :

Larry Silverstein and his partners,the ones who got the 99 year lease on the WTC from the Port Authority of N.Y. and N.J. just 6 weeks before 9/11/2001 is suing airlines,insurance companies and airport security companies for 12.3 billion dollars in damages in the U.S. Southern District Court in Manhattan, as usual Judge Hellerstein presiding, since 9/11 all the cases about the attack have been under 2 Judges only, Hellerstein for Material Damages and Michael Mukasey for Human Damages, amazing how only orthodox Shas -Ramaz Congregation members - israeli-american Judges control all the aspects of the 9/11/2001 attack, incredible,eh?

Silverstein and his partners got 4.6 billion dollars in a settlement brokered by Eliot Spitzer, since the Insurance Companies knew the whole deal was a criminal racket and refused to pay-up,so now Silverstein with Hellerstein as Judge again and Mukasey as A.G., will no doubt secure another huge pay-dayfor Silverstein, even when they may take money away from other victims, but hey ! MOST OF THE REST OF THE VICTIMS ARE GENTILES,SO WHO CARES ,RIGHT?

this is a test for America's men : if Silverstein gets paid again for his crimes, America deserves these criminals amontg them, what a shame !

the only paper i know with the story is the , because since the attack , all the details about the Trials ,the secret election of the Judges, the Insurance Companies hearings and depositions,everything is being " blocked-out" by the regular newspaper media and the TV Networks, what a criminal enterprise we got running this great country !

and the guy who signed the leases with Silverstein representing the States of NY and NY was none other then L. Eisenberg, now a top fundraiser for Senator McCain with Kravis of KKR and Mehlman ,etc., incredible how they support and mantain their cover !

Kristol and his AIPAC neocons are pushing now the " Iran weapons in
Iraq " sindrome, the neocon political appointees in the Pentagon,
Edelman ,Whitman, etc., are again with the same cuckoo: Dated and
marked Iranian weapons found in Iran..... so the Iranian regime now
dates and signs weapons for export? do they think we are all dumb ?

do they think the Iranian Army is that dumb? after 9 years of war
against the sunni iraqis of Saddam Hussein ,the Iranians , and with the help
of some loose neocons at the CIA and USA Military , got to be very sharp, why would they date and mark their weapons for iraqi shiite insurgents?

in the last 2 years, according to the BBC,NYT, WSJ ( before Murdoch),
WTimes ( before Solomon), etc.etc., the Pentagon and press found in
Iraq and in Dubai ( remember Chertoff saying that the Dubai's were
safe to control USA Ports ?) they found American made switches,motion
sensors like the ones we can buy in any hardware store,
they found remote door openers,etc., all made in the USA
and by the box, and all were used to make IED's ,road bombs, etc.,and
we never got an explanation as to how they got into Iraq's shiite and
sunni groups, and now they talk about weapons signed and dated by
the Iranians ? this is all so stupidly criminal that 30 % of the
voters in the USA will fall for it, they will send the bombers to
Iran and no one will do anything....they need to distract from the 2
israeli spy cases in the news, the old partner of Pollack in N.J. and
the trial of AIPAC in Alexandria,so this distraction is ideal,we are
going to Iran and no one will do aything,after all, the TV Networks
and D.C. do only what the neocons at AIPAC decide,so that's it.

after all, most of the dead will be gentiles and most of the money will come from gentiles , so who cares,right ?

and let's not forget, all this since it started in 2003 is for the
benefit of the Military and Security contractors, and their main
stockholders,the Hedge Funds, and they run Washington DC and the
Pentagon,so that's it and they will blame Bush for all of it, his advisers are making sure he only makes mistakes over and over again, so that his legacy is a total disaster, and he is the only one to get the big blame, brilliant,eh?

America, get involved in Washington D.C., they don't work for you,but you pay all their salaries and perks , get on their case.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hedge-Funds next bail-out, McCain and KKR, King Murdoch and the FDA,Comcast and Qualcomm blocking the Net, 1.000 giga-watts of Solar and Wind

The day America becomes Energy Independent, like Brazil, that day the Middle East stops being important for America, that day we stop spending our Blood and Treasury there, that day we are very smart, rich and free, so let's get there fast. has 2 key stories on issue April,17,08:

a) The Senate and House Appropriations Committee's are under attack, the Senate's Committee must look for a new leader when the great Senator Byrd decides to retire, "Senate Legend's ' last Hurrah ' ? "
he is a hero who stood-up against the War on Iraq vote, watch Body of War , , and the
sharks are circling in, instead i hope Senator Leahy's choice is the
one,or himself ?.....the neocons on the House Foreign Affairs
Committee want to take over Foreign Aid power from Appropriations ,so
just imagine all the jumbo's loaded with Treasury leaving for Tel-
Aviv....they'll probably move the Mint to over there for security....

b) another key story is : " Hedge Funds Eye Student Loan Market" and
with President Bush talking about the Federal Gov. buying Federal
Student Loans,a bail-out smells like fresh meat to the Wall Street
sharks...mmmm! another feast ! ...these Hedge Funds made billions on
the War on Terror Contracts,on the War on Iraq and Afghanistan
Military and Security Contracts, on Border Security,On Airport
Security,on re-construction everywhere, they financed the bombs and
the re-build, smart ,eh ? and now they will make a mint out of the
Education debacle, wonderful,eh? but hey ! they got the Media on their
side,so there is no scandal, Rupert Murdoch makes sure the WSJ ,the
NYPost and Fox-TV talks wonders about them,and Senator Schumer and his
goons makes sure they pay only 15 % Taxes instead of the regular 25% ,
so they make out from the start,isn't wonderful to be a neocon in
America today ?

and Congress? well, they just approved to turn the NYCity Library Main
Branch into the Schwarzman-Blackstone Library, one of the biggest War
Profiteers gets American Culture named after him,amazing,eh ?

and about bail-outs,do Bear Stearns ,Citi , Morgan and Merrill, do
they have to pay back the billions ? or is just another gift from the
USA Taxpayers?

on the financial media:

c) Senator McCain's adviser's team is now run by Big Money, the head
of his Fundraisers is none other than Kravis from KKR, the biggest war
profiteer with Blackstone above,these 2 and TPG are way ahead of the
pack, and they back McCain, great,eh ?,
also key fundraisers ,backers and advisers in McCain's team are Ken Mehlman, Loeffler , Adelson from Sands Casino and Freedom Watch,etc., and none other then Lewis Eisenberg, the key operator in the 99 year lease of the WTC to Silverstein and Goldman just 6 weeks before 9/11/2001, what the hell are all these neocons from the Mossad-AIPAC doing in McCain's team?
How can Senator McCain talk all month of April 2008 about " greedy executives " and " bad special interests " while his team is packed with them ?

Thanks for his service to America , but does he think we are all stupid or is he a liar? , what is it,John ? war profiteers and neocon warmongers from the Mossad or America ? tell us ,John, tell the truth to the American People ! , and please skip the " dear friends...", all these criminals above and raising money for you are not my friends.

and no wonder the Senator wants to bomb Iran and stay in Iraq for a few more years,no war means no business and no profits,the Hedge-Funds and their executives above make billions speculating long and short on oil and gas, "swaps" on war, derivatives and bonds on contracts,insurgency, terrorists and more contracts, it's very simple.

d) the key also is in books like Bad Money from Kevin Phillips, , where Neocons ,
Bernanke , Greenspan ,Big Oil , War and Hedge Funds really mix, to
national bankruptcy....

but so what ? all the Media is now pushing the farce that food prices
are the result of ethanol and biodiesels ,instead of the cost of
diesel for transport and fertilizer speculation ,the Oil Lobby is so
powerful, they can spin anything....and they got ABC and George and
Charles to focus on the lapel-flag-pin, while the country is on fire,
Washington DC is incompetent and corrupt to the core, and they talk
about pins,what a way to fool everybody, because 30 % of the voters believes all this nonsense and decides elections...

America needs 2.000 - 3.000 miles of new transmission lines for solar and
wind power plants and farms, to link the grid and homes and make the
transition, America needs the President and the Congress to push for a
massive plan to manufacture wafers for solar cells and modules as well
as wind and water turbines, 1.000 giga-watts of solar and wind to start
setting America free, will they do anything ?

as the media points out , 60 giga-watts is 45 nuclear power plants,
what do you want ? when do you want it ?

Right now,one of the most powerful criminals in America, is using
the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal to complain about the
FDA checking on the Tobacco Manufacturers, when since 1996 we know
that Tobacco companies have been manipulating the seeds of tobacco to
increase levels of nicotine and nitrosamines ,etc., to addict
customers to their brands forever, and so Rupert Murdoch wants the FDA
to stay off this genetically modified drug design tobacco,he has
and is making billions from tobacco, for years he was executive Board
member of PhilipMorris,with his buddy Carlos Slim Helu, and he still
makes out real good from it in ads and sponsors , and so what about
the enfisema and cancer, eh Rupert? what about it ?....all the while
the FDA, perhaps the biggest most corrupt and incompetent agency in
our little universe can't even check the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
foreign components , never mind defending consumers from fixed

and we must remember that the NYPost,the NY Times, ABC,CBS,Fox and CNN
were big time pushers of the Iraq war, every day in 2002 and 2003 they
were pushing to start bombing Iraq, with Senator Schumer,
Boxer,Lieberman,Coleman,Feinstein,etc., with R.Emanuel and Bill
Kristol,with Safire and Blumenthal,with Kagan and Wolfowitz,with Feith
and Perle and Podhoretz,etc.,etc., the neocon darlings did a great
job,and now many of them blame only Bush and Cheney and
Rumsfeld,brilliant !.....the USA Taxpayers should send part of the
Iraq War Bill to Tel-Aviv and the Aipac-Israel Lobby, the rest to
Saudi Arabia and their sunni wahabi Lobby,let them pay for their own
designed criminal disaster....

another key is , as well as
,and , these 3 vital networks are under neocon
influence, specially the 2 first ones, every taxpayer must get
involved,we need fairness, we also need Open Access on the Internet,
there is a new Bill in the Senate ,
, by Senators Dorgan, Snow and Kerry,etc., Internet Freedom
Preservation Act , that may be the right one, get involved ! ,
already Comcast and Qualcomm, etc., access and TV chips , are working
hard to block and control access and content, it's a disaster in the the case of Qualcomm, telcos like ATT and Verizon Wireless
are offering exclusive access to TV only using Qualcomm's Media Flow
proprietary software , monopolistic and criminal,so Washington will go
crazy for it, as usual...

in c-span and other outlets, every week or so , someone calls with the same message: "...we must support only Israel because they are the chosen people by God..." and similar covenants come from muslims too sometimes, and to this America must be very clear: The USA Constitution and the Declaration of Independence say :" ...all men are created equal..." , so to put some above others is Un-Constitutional and illegal, in America this is a racist fraud...and about God, the only one that would suggest that God loves some humans more then others is Satan, to suggest that God is racist is satanic, only Satan would try to divide and confront the work of God, only the devil would try to do that, so it's just another test from God,like life itself, God wants to see how we manage with human life and free will.

Motorola is about to collapse unless their 3G and 4G phones with Wi-Fi,WiMax and LTE could get video from any user and any source,including TV, but no! the TV Networks (and the Telcos ) using the Taxpayers TV Airwaves and Spectrum ( leased) are blocking any one from sending video and TV to anyone, what a criminal state of affairs ! this great country in the hands of a pack of thief's and Lobby's corrupting Washington D.C., what a criminal shame !

Brazil is making diesel from sugar cane as well as ethanol , while Washington is talking about another meeting and another Committee, and the truckers are going under and the airlines are shrinking and small and medium self-employed workers are going bankrupt just driving around looking for jobs , contracts , permits and supply's, but what do they know or care in D.C. ? the nightlife is bubbly, the federal money rolls and the Lobby's are there ready to help , so who cares,right?

America wants Energy Independence and Internet Open Access today , and
it's up to you because Washington D.C. is not going to do it for you,
they work for someone else, you have to get involved today....

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Motorola under neocon control, Sec.Gates against the wall, McCain clueless again and Energy Independence under attack

in my humble opinion, these are key issues for Congress ,Law
Enforcement and the USA Taxpayers :

1) Motorola, a key company with huge Government contracts is being
hijacked, Icahn and his partners, Meister and David Dorman are taking
over the Board,and Dorman was chairman of the old ATT when they were
tapping everybody ,land lines and fax, and even so he and his team
were able to almost bankrupt the company, the stockholders of ATT
lost billions of dollars under the leadership of Dorman, the USA consumers
and taxpayers were abused and extorted, and the Constitution
insulted, i urge the Yale U. team suing ex-Dep.A.G. Yoo for torture to check
the abuses of the old ATT under Dorman as well as Seidenberg of
and now we have Motorola under the neocon AIPAC control of
Dorman,Meister and Icahn, and as many in Washington object: Motorola
makes the cable boxes for Comcast and others, Motorola makes modems-
routers and legacy PBX's for all branches and DPT's of the Gov, including
FBI,CIA, NSA, White House,Energy-nukes and all the rest, and even
when so many see massive security holes in this new neocon team
controlling the hardware and software of MOTOROLA, NO ONE IN D.C.IS

another firm under attack is AMD, because without competititon Intel will control the CPU market and will control most access to the Net, the other choice Via-Centaur is under license, but Washington D.C.......where is D.C.? what are they doing ?

2) so they will steal the elections, Motorola is at the center of voting
machines, so the neocons will steal the elections , that's it, say
hello to President McCain and his advisers:
Kagan,Kissinger,Bolton,Lehman,Scheuneman,Schultz,Lieberman ,Graham,Gorelick,Wolfowitz,Feith,Perle,Kristol,Murdoch and their wonderful partners in Tel-Aviv,Netanyahu, the Shas
Lieberman and the great kids of Kach now reformed to avoid going to jail for
terrorist acts and nuke-tech- weapons sales to Pakistan-India-Iran-
N.Korea and China, a wonderful and ready team specially since Senator
McCain this week again for the third time got confused and called
AlQaeda a shiite group working with Iran, so he is so clueless that
his Mossad-AIPAC advising team above will help him get everything in
proper order.

on the Washington Times, April,8,08 : "McCain Advisers tied to foreign lobbying" is a great article, and also on this same paper this week we found out that all the new USA electronic passports key chips are made in Holland,Germany and Israel and the radio antenna set-up is done in Bangkok-Thailand ,so there must be thousands of blank USA electronic passports being used by the Mossad and others ( white powder anyone ? ) as well as special chosen customers, wonderful,eh? and the obscure neocons in State ( hey! Kaplan how you doing ?) running the show will get a medal from Chertoff,Mukasey ,Bolten,Bodman and Olmert.

3) at the center of the storm are some of the staff in Congress and
the DPT.'s , some of them are corrupt and working for the Lobby's,some
are very honest and very patriotic, the key is to keep the good ones and vote
out the bad ones and their bosses, ,
has the salaries and perks of most of the staff in Congress, get
involved or we are going to lose this great country and the USA

4) Iraq needs technology to get their economy going so that we can
leave, because the same neocons in Congress that got us into this Iraq
mess,Lieberman,Schumer,Emanuel,Feinstein,Collins, etc.,are asking
Sec.Gates at Defense to ask the iraqis for money for operations and
re- cosntruction, so they are putting the USA Soldiers against the
Iraqis, these neocons are brilliant,eh? so expect more death and destruction,
the neocon's got to pay for all this crime, it was and is with

From North Dakota and Montana to Canada,in the Bakken Formation, on 25.000 square miles,the rock and earth contains 3 billion barrels of oil , the smart way would be for the USA and Canada to team-up and get the thousands of wells going, without spilling one gallon of toxic waste anywhere, is it too much to ask? i guess so, we still don't have water turbines off the coasts,they took the solar panels off the White House, we don't even have one thousand cars running on hydrogen , not even 2.000 gas stations with E-85 and no planes running any new synthetic - ethanol fuels, we only got billions of dollars going to the Middle East one way while the oil sheiks buy our best assets and finance their fanatic religious causes, way to go ,America !!!

Now more then ever : solar , wind , water turbines, geothermal and
hydrogen fuel-cells with " ethanol-jet-fuel " is vital, we must
make America , Europe and the world Energy Independent, this is job
number one.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Benedict XVI, Europe and USA, the neocon " oil and greed wars " and the fall of the christian culture

To Pope Benedict, your trip to America is at a time of wars for
oil ,thefts and distraction, here are some points of economic and
military nature for your database:

1) the 2 main players, Saudi Arabia and the Oil Lobby , and Israel and
the Neocon-Aipac Lobby are the most interested in keeping the USA and
Europe addicted to Middle East Oil and so get money the first and
money and troops the second, USA troops in the Middle East guarding
the oil wells let the Saudi and the Israeli do their thing: the Saudi
can keep their one party fanatic rule and extreme sunni-wahabi sect in power where woman are second class citizens with almost no rights,
and the Israeli can continue stealing the land of the Palestinian
farmers,build more cities on these occupied lands and get billions of
dollars from the USA taxpayers under the threat of terrorism,because
when palestinians ask to get their lands back, they call them
terrorists ,incite violence by killing a few civilians and then shoot
the rest, the orthodox Shas and others have made very clear that they
want all of the palestinian land for themselves, so they will kill
them one by one,and the USA and Europe paying for the bullets and the
earthmovers will get the blame and the revenge.

Fact : in the last 6 years, the 10 biggest Oil and Gas Companies in the USA have made 820 billion dollars in profits, according to the financial media and while Oil and Gas prices go up non-stop, and this is the same amount we are spending until the end of this year in the Iraq War, that is the transfer,brilliant ,eh?

2) the way they keep us addicted to Middle East Oil is by fabricating
conflicts against Russia and Venezuela,like expanding Nato and
fabricating stories of theft about Chavez and Putin,the neocon media constantly puts out stories about Chavez and Putin with billions under their beds, and because
without Russia and Venezuela the only other big
well so far is in the Middle East, we are forced to focus on the Middle East with troops and money , but this "conflict fabrication" is evil, plain and simple,can you please tell them to stop ?

also we are distracted from the Arctic Sea and other areas with paranoia stories about polar bears and whales, like we couldn't take care of them and drill responsibly, so it's ok to send kids to die in Iraq as long as the Polar Bear eating habits don't get disturbed, what a farce ! the neocons must pay for all these crimes, since they started to push for this war in the Neocon controlled Media in 2002 and 2003 until the end of the nightmare,shame !

we have , , , where the neocons control the message and the messengers, specially in c-span and npr, they block any talk of responsibility about the "war push" in 2002 and 2003,they block any talk about AIPAC and their influence in Washington DC,about the Oil Lobby control of the Political Agenda,it's shameful and illegal the way they block any caller from talking about these issues and others, it's like living in a big lie, it's un-american,these networks belong to the Consumers,Stockholders and Taxpayers, not only to the Neocon and Oil Lobby's , it's criminal !

3) the economic crisis is the doing of Hedge Funds and Investment
Bankers, they have been selling sub-prime mortgages over and over,
with bonds and swaps, to get fees and commissions again and again, and
to buy more Military and Security Contractors, because the Hedge Funds
are the biggest stockholders and bondholders of most of the companies
providing goods and services to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, a money
machine, they have made billions from the blood of others, as long as
there are deaths,they make money, this is evil, so will you tell them
to stop? ...........and the neocons in the
Congress,Schumer,Lieberman, Kyl,Berman,Ros-Lethinen,DiazBalart,
Emanuel,Fainstein,Coleman,Graham,etc., make sure these Hedge Funds
pay only 15 % in Taxes, when everybody else pays 25 %, so is theft
too ! and these and others were the ones pushing for the Iraq War in
2002 and 2003, see the movie "Body of War ", what a shame !

a nightmare to see some in the Congress getting millions of dollars in political contributions from the Hedge Funds and Investment Bankers like Bear Stearns and then letting them get 30 billion dollars in taxpayers bail-outs so that B. Stearns executives like Schwartz,Cayne ,Spector,etc., can collect millions of dollars for their stock and to pay for their multi-million luxury condos in Central Park in NYC, what a pack of thiefs !, and with the help of Federal Reserve Geithner, Bernanke , SEC's Cox and a few tears...

4) this is not new, since the Middle Ages, the neocon orthodox bankers
financed the trips and ships to Western Africa for diamonds and gold,
a market and trade which they control to this day , later for slaves,
so when African Americans talk about the bad europeans who did them
bad, we must clarify who run the diamond and gold markets,like the
Rothshilds who were the biggest bankers to King George III, the worst
enemy of the United States of America and its Founding Fathers, and
who lost to them,thank God !.....and we need clarity about this among
the African American Community , we must remember that it was the european-americans who got them out of Slavery, it was the european-american christians who died in the Civil War to end Slavery, the ones who signed and fight to the death for the USA Declaration of Independence, the USA Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

5) the Middle Class in America and Europe ( and the whole world)
cannot afford a mortgage,a credit card and huge interest ,huge utilities billls and a 3 to 4
dollar a gallon-liter of gasoline or diesel to travel to work or run
the business truck or car, its impossible, and already in the 90's
many of us asked the Clinton Administration and later the Bush
Administration to switch to solar panels/concentrators, turbines and hydrogen
fuelcells to cut down the workers bills, many knew that the whole
thing was going to bankrupt the Middle Class and wreck the whole
Economy,but the neocons and the Oil Lobby have a total grip on
Washington D.C. and no change happen,and now the economy is a waste,so
can you ask Washington DC to switch ? , and can you start by
installing solar panels and thermals ,turbines , fuelcells,desalination plants and
geothermal units in the Vatican ?

USA and Europe leaders,in the pocket of the Oil lobby, are waisting the new generations with Debt and Incompetence,with Corruption and Greed ,let's be clear about it : these leaders in Washington D.C. and Brussels are committing the worst High Treason to their own by not switching to solar,wind and water turbines,hydrogen fuelcells, ethanol and biodiesels for planes, trucks and cars, hybrid-electric cars and trucks,geothermals and clean diesels from natural coal to gas to liquid, by not training workers and students,engineers and designers,builders and building supply chains , because by not installing solar and turbines on every building in their Continents, they are working for the enemy,plain and simple,lets hope the kids get involved in politics and kick all the incompetent corrupt leaders OUT !!!

We always will need and use petroleum,but never more than 50 %, we
must balance with solar, wind, fuelcells,geothermal,fusion,new
batteries and synthetic fuels,ethanol and biodiesels and what the kids
today discover, we need to make Energy Independence and new Energy a
basic knowledge in schools, like languages ,sports,History, HTML and
Linux, basic and simple....and here the neocons are attacking again
our Culture, because the "stupid TV" and junk foods,suggary sodas and
gossip tabloids ,etc.,are not an accident, they are military precision
tools to dumb down the gentiles, and they are succeeding,christians
are getting mentally weaker and losing identity, right now in the USA
we can't even talk about the points i mention above, it's a
disaster,so can you break the nonsense ? can you break through?

Education is one key area, look at the USA, where the neocons are trying to install a new National Teachers Union leader,Randi Weingarten, who is very close to the orthodox israeli-american lobby of Rupert Murdoch and Joseph Lieberman,Bloomberg and Schumer,and all the neocons controlling 95 % of the media in the USA, as well as Junk Foods ( Yrene Rosenfeld from Nabisco-Kraft Foods in Switzerland, the Tobacco and hard liquor executives, the Monsanto top execs like Shapiro who started the Genetically Modified seeds for corn and soy,etc., and now control all of them and the farmers future,etc., etc.) their plan is to keep track and control of what the gentiles study, what the goyim learn, to keep them on a leash, slightly dumb and weak, in "need" and under supervision, what they always do, and the USA christian community can't even demand and get another christian in charge of the education and teachers of their own kids, what a criminal shame ! ......and the same goes for the Service Employees International Union and Andy Stern, he and Weingarten are trying to corner the USA Unions leadership's and make deals to benefit the neocon status and themselves,a disaster for the workers long term and for America's Democracy.

about the War in Iraq, today the Media ( GAO Report,
) inform us that just 95 weapons projects have gone overboard and over
budget 295 billion dollars, their total cost is 1.6 trillion dollars,
so the Hedge Funds and Investment Bankers have taken over the Pentagon
and its all gone to hell, programs like video training for 300 million
dollars,when they can do it for 30,etc.,etc., circuits and electrical switches have gone through Dubai and the UAE all the way to the terorrists to build bombs, the same friends that DHS Sec. Chertoff said were the right ones to own and guard our USA Ports are the ones transfering "detonators - door openers -motion detectors -etc." to terrorists around the world, and we just found out again ! (NYT,April.2.08,"US alarmed as some Exports veer of course in the Mideast") and while the rich wahabi sunni in Saudi Arabia keep on sending millions to their Muslim Brotherhood -AlQeda partners to fight the USA for siding with the israeli's stealing the land of the palestinians with USA made weapons ,trucks and radios, what a criminal nonsense !

and it's total chaos, but
hey ! the christians go for it,so who is worst? the criminal satanic
neocons or the dumb and weak christians ? The first one that must be
Energy Independent is the Military and the Governments, from USA to
Europe,they must be with multiple choices of fuels, technologies and
sources, how can't they see this ?'s been years and the Pentagon is still stuck on only oil,gas and nuclear ,this is criminal ignorance.

( and to all the USA soldiers and officers around the world : Senator John McCain again confused the sunnies with the shiites and called AlQaeda a shiite group,he has done this twice in the last few weeks, in a radio interview , again in Jordan and again on April,8,2008 at the Committee Hearings with General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker, so you soldiers can die fighting for your country and yet this politician after 5 years of war does not know the differences between sunni,shiite and AlQaeda , in my opinion, this man is unfit to be in the Armed Services Committee deciding your future,much less as a Presidential Candidate, this man should resign from the Senate and go learn the basics , what a criminal shame ! )

America and the world need new energy sources to break the power of the
neocons and the Oil lobby ,as well as an Open Access Internet, only then we have a chance to neutralize these neocons and the warmongers for profit and get to the logical next human level , and we need God's help, can you be there?