Friday, November 7, 2008

Obama-Biden:Don't get the blame for political appointees mistakes,put them in front of Press Conferences

In my opinion :

President-elect Obama and Vice-President-elect Biden should put their new staff members and political appointees like Emanuel and Axelrod in front of the Media at Press Conferences open for all to see ,and with free questions and not in a Celebrity-TV-spin contests,but real Press Conferences, no more "behind closed doors" political appointees making policy and then the President and the Vice-President getting all the blame, like Perle,Libby,Wolfowitz,Feith, Mehlman and others did on the Bush White House, and that way they cannot do their "own agenda" policy while the blame of their mistakes goes to the President and the Vice-President,America has no time for this...

As a political appointee working and paid by the USA taxpayers ,Rahm Emanuel ,if he wants to have any credibility among many American Taxpayers and Workers, must sign a paper where he resigns from the Army of Israel active or reserve duty , where he has been a volunteer and to which he belongs due to his dual citizenship and like most israeli citizens ,and sign also that he does not belong anymore to the AIPAC-Mossad Volunteer Corp., where most AIPAC members like him volunteer,and that he reported to the IRS all his overseas assets and interests in all the Private Limited Partnerships and LLC , etc. that he joined while working at Wasserstein Perella,the Hedge Funds, his lobby'ing for Wall Street Investment Bankers and Freddie Mac,and because after all, Rahm Emanuel was part of the neocon group of Investment Bankers and Hedge Funds that created the mess that we are in now, America needs to know that a top political appointee in the White House like the Chief of Staff works for America first and not for another country or financial interests, and if he is not lying, he will sign,right? ...besides, no one in America would get a White House Clearence with these issues ,right?

Already the neocon media spin is trying to limit V-P Biden : "...the weird talker" , they are trying to make the center of power exclusively at Rahm Emanuel, and later they will focus slowly the blame on President Obama only , and that way keep Emanuel intact for later, getting ready for 2012 and President Emanuel and V-P Axelrod, amazing,eh ?... just follow the scandal,rumours and innuendo, just follow the neocon spin Media waste...

they are also trying to push R.Cantor as Republican whip, so to control with only neocons all the voices in the Rep. and Dem. parties, to control the agenda in Congress , and the Wall Street and Iraq War debacle questions and responsibilities, all the neocons doings...wonderful,eh?

To understand better the financial disaster that we are in, the Washington Post run a front page article on October,15,2008 : " What Went Wrong " by Faiola,Nakashima and Drew, where we learn that the only one that tried to regulate and stop the Derivatives - Swaps "Greed Train " was Brooksley Born, the ex-head of the CFTC, and she went 17 times to Congress to testify asking to regulate and control the derivatives madness and she was rejected 17 times and quit , and who rejected and voted against her ? Greenspan,Rubin,Levitt and later Summers, the partners of Emanuel and Volcker,Bernanke and Geithner,et al and all making millions in Wall Street and from the derivatives, the swaps, the sub-prime mortgages and the incompetent greed.

Of course, to make sense of any of this, Pr.Obama must change the head of the IRS, Schulman,who is another Hedge Fund "expert" and will never push for any changes .

Dear President Obama and Vice President Biden : don't get the blame for all your political appointees spin and agendas,keep them in front of the Media explaining to them what they do and without any Celebrity spin, don't let them fool you, from now on you work for America only, and maybe you should remember Brooksley Born, the only one that really went against the tide of corruption, greed and lies, she is the real deal.

Most people in the streets of America want action and new jobs in Solar, Wind and Water Turbines, Geothermal sites, fuel-cells, electric cars,new batteries,bio-fuels, new synthetic jet-fuels from alghae-jatropha-castor-etc.,from coal-to-liquid capturing CO2,new insulation, new composites,new motors,new tools for mobile communications with White Spaces, with WiFi, with WiMax, new fusion solutions,new desalination plants and new electric grids, new trains and light rails tracks,fixing bridges , roads,schools and hospitals,letting Medicare negotiate directly with drug companies,tax tobacco that thanks to the Investment Bankers and Hedge Funds made billions from menthol-light cigarettes while avoiding paying for all the emphysema and cancer they created, natural chemical-free make-up-mascara-deodorants to end breast cancer, organic fresh foods ,they want new ideas and solutions to make America Energy Independent and with Broadband everywhere for everybody and we know you can do it.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Obama,watch your back !

The important work starts now :

a) Senator Biden was right when he mentioned a test-crisis in the first 6 months of an Obama-Biden Administration,and as many are saying, it will be from Georgia , where the 4+ billion dollars in Aid from the World Bank,IMF and EU and USA Taxpayers will go again towards weapons, as they did when Georgia was getting 65 million dollars a year from the USA and they spended most of it buying Elbit missiles from Israel ,Hermes pilotless drones and radar jamming devices,instead of fixing roads ,schools and water plants,they just went and attacked South Ossetia civilian targets on August ,7,2008,and the rest is History...they are going to try again and to confront the USA against Russia,again.

b) the second crisis will be "fixed" from inside the new Administration,because the neocon Media is pushing Volcker,Summers,Rubin,Geithner,Bernanke ,Powell and Emanuel among other neocons for the new team, the same people that pushed for the Iraq war every day on TV,Newspapers and Radio, suggesting that Irak was going to attack with nuclear and biological weapons, the same people that fabricated the lies for the U.N. and the world are now being suggested as the dream team for the Obama-Biden ticket, what a bunch of nonsense! all these neocons are the last people that should be next to Obama-Biden... they need a total change,new honest christians that refused all the neocon lies.

c) the White House is another disaster in itself, since the times of Ira Fleischer,Mehlman,Eliot Abrams,Libby,Perle,Uhlman,Feith and Wolfowitz in the early 2000's, they rigged phones,overhead tracking lights and video-conference systems with Pentagon,State ,etc., with bugs and hacks, so the new team must dismantle the whole nightmare!

and the staff, that in some cases has been there for 20 years...the whole thing is a Museum and a trap : with the bodyguards,the paranoia , the Marine One, the Air Force One, the whole thing got nothing to do with the new team....the key is for the new administration to be able to think with clarity and peace, to make good decisions, not to go from limo to limo to photo op and to stress-out interview, the new team would be better off by the beach or river, quiet, calm, thinking and with live video-conference with all the Cabinet members....the last 8 years have been a disaster of wasted opportunities,rushing from one place to the other...don't make the same mistakes !!!

d) the real problem is that the neocons are keeping America against Russia,Venezuela,Iran and a few other countries so that we only end up with one big source of oil and gas : Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and only one ally in the area: Israel, and so we end up sending these countries all our wealth and all our weapons,and now even our Soldiers, Blood and Treasury: this is criminal, and someone must explain it to the American People... and that total Energy Independence is the solution.

e) in the Israel-Palestine issue, the root of most of the muslim violence and extremism ,we need a real solution with 2 States and the will to demand from Israel the return of the occupied territories...we all want the best for the these 2 countries, Israel and Palestine, but the new administration must be firm and clear: Peace and the Rule of Law for all.

Obama and Biden should not let the huge wonderful election organization they have created to dissolve, why not use them for the Energy Independence push ? why not use them to convince Washington D.C., incompetent and corrupt,to change ways?, to start in a new way?, to eat healthy?, to work healthy?,to stop working only for the Oil and Gas Lobby?, to stop the Wars for the Military Contrators profits? why not make the best of that great human energy?

Obama and Biden can start with a new Conference with all involved including the Taliban and others to end the Afghanistan-Pakistan wars, like Secretary Gates and most Generals are suggesting...they can push for a total Latin America Deal that will end the stress, including Cuba...a new deal with China and India, a new deal with Iran and Syria,a new deal with the whole world, and above all, they should keep all the neocons very far away from them, from their airplanes, helicopters and security, very far away...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

D.C.: High Heels,blisters and custom cars, the fall of the Empire with fools at the wheel

To understand how absurd, incompetent and corrupt Washington D.C. is, just check this out :

a ) every evening, the first thing many woman do when they leave their jobs at the different Departments and Federal Agencies in Washington is to take out their high heel shoes and put on flip-flops or sneakers while covering the blisters in their feet with band-aids, and if you ask them why they spend the whole day under stress and pain they say that's the way it is...that's what their bosses want ....
so the people that should be at their best using the taxpayers money,is totally in distress,in pain
and hating their jobs....

b) from these important federal workers, 40 % are extremely overweight, most likely under heavy diet or medication methods, and while still eating junk foods , which is mostly what you get in DC cheap and fast...

c) the Public Central Library, Martin Luther King ,in terms of quality of space,computers, atmosphere,etc., is something you find in a small county with no money, but in D.C. ? that is shameful !

d) there is no Public Toilets, so homeless people as well as tourist end up using elevators in Metro ,etc., for solution, and this is the capital of the richest country in the world !!!! but you do get security video cameras everywhere ....

e) as many have asked, every public computer,in schools,libraries, work, when shared ,must carry a warning : DONT USE THE KEYBOARD AND MOUSE AND THEN TOUCH YOUR FACE,EYES OR MOUTH AND CARRY ONTO YOU ANY VIRUS ,FUNGUS OR BACTERIA, get smart ! ....or something to the effect...

well, after 10 years of asking,nothing !!! the Pharma Industry makes billions every year from these viruses as long as people share things with them and pass them on ....

f) the Energy Department just installed solar panels on its roof, in Septermber 2008 ....
only 30 years after they started to be available in DC, what an insult to America's know-how and to Energy Independence.

so these are a few samples of what needs to change in DC, we need a total overhaul of how they work, where they work,for what they work... a total evolution, and will the candidates do any of the changes needed ?

these Federal workers must get off the high heels and the expensive designer suit, the gold Rolexes and chains, the limos and the S550 Benzes and gargantuan Escalades ,Tahoe,etc.,
dripping chrome and signature nonsense, we need these workers to be at their best,relaxed, in bicycles, eating healty foods, taking saunas and joggings, just being at their best....but will the candidates do any changes ? the actual landscape clearly points to failure and collapse.

when you see middle managers with 100.000 dollar custom cars and 300 dollar designer shoes,you know something is rotten and its impossible to get smart decisions.

we need solar panels on every roof, wind turbines, geothermal sites, water current turbines, new grid links, trains that criss -cross America, light rails across towns, ELECTRIC CARS AND TRUCKS AND HYBRID MOTORS EVERYWHERE, new batteries and new hydrogen pumps, new ethanol pumps, new thinking, new vision, new will, new everything.

and in the meantime,the candidates getting advice from the usual neocons, what an insult to America !

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Obama-McCain = together tell the truth to America = Oil Lobby and Neocon Lobby keep America addicted to Oil, Kurds and Kazakhastan oil deals

In my opinion

Senators McCain and Obama, if they are so patriotic and concerned, they should immediately get together and agree on telling the truth to the American People today :

As long as we are addicted to foreign Oil and Gas for our Energy , we are totally dependent on what happens in the Middle East,and specially in Saudi Arabia and Israel,our only so called "allies" in the area and with billions of barrels of oil and run by their bankers the Hedge-Funds run mostly by israeli americans and israeli nationals ,is these 2 groups the most interested in keeping us addicted to Oil ,Gas and to the region where most of the oil is,and these 2 are always pushing us against the other 3 or 4 big sources of Oil : Russia, Venezuela ,Libya and Iran, so
that we only have Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries and only one partner in the area,Israel, the whole policy is a trap,it's a fabricated monopoly , but hey ! we are falling for it every day ! one to blame but ourselves...

Senators McCain and Obama, if they are so patriotic and concerned , they should immediately get together and agree on the biggest terrorist threats to America today :

a) Our Foreign Oil and Gas Dependency, the 700 billion dollars a year flowing out of the country , slowly bankrupting our ECONOMIC systems , eating away money for infrastructure, EATING AWAY MONEY FOR HEALTH , for training in new technologies like solar,wind, geothermal,electric cars and trucks, fuel-cells, ethanol from sugar cane and jathropa, biodiesels,etc...

b) The first one to be Energy Independent since 9/11 must be the Military,already they should have 2 plants for gas to liquid and coal-to-gas-to-liquid, 2 plants more for jathropa to ethanol and jet fuel substitute and 2 more plants for algae-seaweed to jet fuel,so that the Military has always at least 4 options locally for fuel, the 2 candidates must stop their childish bickering and gossip nonsense and demand immediate construction of these plants....

c) Together they should demand 8 more plants for 4 basic solar technogies and instant training for roofers,carpenters,plumbers,electricians,architects,programmers,harware and software designers,etc., RIGHT NOW !!!

d) a wind farm in every State, just like , 10.000-megawatts + in every State

e) demand Congress pass the PRODUCTION TAX CREDIT to save Alternative Sources of Energy ,here the GOP has blocked 4 times in the last 2 months this Lagislation ,how can we talk Patriotism and go against Alternative Energy Sources right here in the USA ?

f) a geothermal site in every State and get the car makers to start putting electric cars back in the streets , and i say back because GM had them since 1996 to 2003, they had them and they closed them down because of the Oil Lobby and Saudi Arabia and Israel,they dont want us to be Energy Independent.....

3 debates ahead, it's time to break free.

in my opinion, when we see the 2 Candidates surrounded by neocons ( McCain flirting with R.Cantor and his AIPAC neocon group and Obama as well with Furman,Rubin , Kramer and all the Hedge-Funds crowd in tow , we must all together in America tell them: GET THE NEOCONS ,THE OIL LOBBY ,THEIR HEDGE FUNDS AND INVESTMENT BANKERS OUT OF YOUR TEAMS !!!

and to the Military Police ,the FBI,the local Law Enforcement and the young Officers in the front lines:

These Hedge-Funds around the 2 candidates are the biggest stockholders in the Military and Security Contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan,they are making billions from the War,from the dead, from the wounded, from you and me, from all the taxpayers in America, they are war profiteers, that's why like the media reports this week , Richard Perle,one of the biggest promoters of the Iraq war , he and his partners are trying to find a way to go to the Kurds area in Iraq and to Kazakhastan to sign Oil and Gas deals,they were the ones who organized the Rendition centers there and in exchange they have to go there and sign the titles for the my opinion, if any of these neocon warmongers and War profiteers: Perle,Feith, Wolfowitz,Berman, Rosen, Mehlman,Abrams, Gorelick, Fleischer, Zakheim,Mukasey,Chertoff, Bodman,Wurmser,Libby ,Goss,etc., if they or their partners, law firms, associates and family members sign one oil , gas or minerals deal, ARREST them ON THE SPOT FOR WAR PROFITEERING AND HIGH TREASON,they and their neocon team has been in charge of Policy in Washington D.C. since the late 90's,and since early 2001 they have been in almost total control of the Executive,almost all the Pentagon and most of the Intelligence, not to mention the Wall Street Finances making the profits in the War : they are responsible, they made the decisions and the profits,let them pay for it.

in the meantime, the candidates must be clear also about this:

the FCC wants to auction wireless spectrum so that America can have free wireless broadband, since 1996 instead of more choices, we are now under the monopolistic control of Comcast,Verizon and ATT,etc., we can't even choose TV or video wireless technologies,we can't even choose browsers or send our videos to whoever we want, we can't even choose applications for some of our mobile phones , most of the technology is controlled by Qualcomm, so we have to pay royalties to them for the rest of our lives even when many in D.C. and San Diego,Ca. know that Qualcomm and Jacobs,Sr. its CEO, took a lot of technology in CDMA patents from the USA Military, and if not, where are the Wireless Technologies of the Navy and Air Force that thery were using until Jacobs and Qualcomm went to work for them and then went to the Patent office to register ? where are the radios of the Military until 1995 ? where ? now we are number 14 in the world for broadband penetration,absurd ! ..... where do the candidates stand on all this ? Broadband and Energy Independence are vital for America's future, we need new leaders , not the same old corrupt nonsense.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Neocon landgrab of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac , Generic Drugs Monopoly in the making

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are worth 5 trillion dollars long term ,the fight in Congres about them is about control of the assets in them, the neocons are trying to grab it, study the issue and do your own thinking, it can be the biggest theft in American History, get involved !

.... by the way, this week Teva Pharma from Israel is buying Barr Pharma from N.J. , so Teva will control 30 to 40% OF THE GENERIC DRUG MARKET IN THE USA AND EUROPA, a monopoly and :"...with the impending brand-name patent expiration worth billions of dollars a year..."(WP,July2008) this is a total USA Generic Drug Industry take over......the CEO of Teva ,Shlomo Yanai, is a friend and Congregation partner of the CEO of Kraft-Nabisco, the biggest seller of junk-foods in the USA, Ms.Yrene Rosenfeld, and these 2 are friends of Daniel Acheson at the FDA, the guy that says that we dont need to know where our foods come from, and they are all friends of the Tish brothers from Loews -Lorillard and Newport, the biggest manufacturers of Menthol Tobacco, which is trying to avoid regulation,menthol additives are the biggest feed for cancer-emphysema in smokers, mostly african-american, so this group really are controlling the producers of huge health problems as well as the pharmaceuticals , and this is unacceptable, no country in its right mind can let this happen, but Congress will not do anything,as usual..........and one of their supporters in D.C. is one of the biggest pushers for the war in Iraq, Senator Schumer,who is now blaming everybody else for the economic disaster, like the war had nothing to do with the financial situation in America today, they control the media so much they edit out any mention that it was Schumer , Lieberman , Emanuel, Murdoch,Feinstein and Boxer , among many others, pushing for the war every day in 2002 and 2003 ! and while their loyalty is with AIPAC , Mossad and the State of Israel ahead of the USA and the USA Taxpayers, what a shame !

Lets hope the Pentagon is not using these drugs and foods !!!

the scam :

1) In the House Hearings June,3,2008 and in the Senate June,23,2008, under oath, it was very clear and agreed by all that Oil Speculation was at least 30 to 40 dollars in the price of each barrel of oil,and that Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley among others , had huge crude oil , gas and heating oil futures positions.

2) In the House Hearings July 10, 2008, Congress members asked Ben Bernanke,chairman of the Federal Reserve,why the Fed had given Bear Stearns and JP Morgan a 29 billion dollar loan and why the weekend deal was done after the 3 top executives of Bear Stearns ( Cayne,Schwartz,Spector) had secured their 20 to 60 million dollar stock payments each....he just slided with technical and emotional talk...

Bernanke was also asked why he had given the contract to administer Bear Stearns assets to BlackRock without bidding, and he said that it was the best choice at the time, and when asked if he was going to put the contract out for bidding, he said no!, when asked again that since the situation was stable, why not put the contract out for bidding, he again said no! ...... Bernanke has no legal authority to do this, he is breaking the Law, AND THAT'S WHY HE IS ASKING FOR MORE AUTHORITY FROM CONGRESS, TO TURN HIS ILLEGAL AUTHORITY grab INTO A LEGAL ONE,AND CONGRESS WILL VOTE ON THIS IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS....the first grab...

3) in the Senate July 15,2008 Hearings, Bernanke was asked by various Senators about Oil Speculation, and he said flatly that there is NO Speculation ! just like that, he covered up for his friends in Goldman Sachs( Blankfein,CEO ) and Morgan Stanley (Mack,CEO)... and how can he say that there is no speculation? is he incompetent ? ignorant ? or a liar ? and when asked in all the Hearings why Investment Bankers were getting a free ride to do as they please while Commercial Bankers have a lot of regulations, he just excused the whole farce with the "difficult times..." , so the Hedge Funds like BlackRock getting billions of dollars in Taxpayers assets are free to do as they please, while he takes upon himself the authority to distribute taxpayers funds as he sees fit....the second grab...

4) and now comes his request to get Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under his wing, so he can distribute fees , commissions and contracts to his chosen Hedge Funds, like Blackrock,KKR,Blackstone,Merrill,Goldman Sachs,Morgan Stanley,Cerberus,TPG,Lehman,Lazard,etc.etc.,and slowly start to transfer the assets themselves , the land of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, about 5 trillion dollars in mortgages,to them and others, a huge chunk of America is about to ge transfered to these groups and others, because no one will demand to supervise Bernanke and his partners , no one will demand an account, and Congress is about to vote on it...the third and final grab......America, no one to blame but ourselves !!!

5) All these Hearings details are out of the spotlight,Bernanke and his partners, Kohn,Friedman,Fischer,etc., are about to take over 5 trillion dollars in real estate assets, some of the best in America, and in a few years when the disaster hits the news, they will blame Bush and the 110th Congress, but by then, the neocons will have converted these stolen USA assets into legal assets, no one left but the usual christians to take the blame, as usual....and if you look at it, these land grabs are similar to the ones being done in the Middle East and the ones done in Russia by the oligarchs in the 90's , and what a's the same organized military-religious-political-financial orthodox group ! , oh well, my christian community will never get it,see it, never care and never do anything about it....or will you?

another big issue is the Tax Evasion case , from UBS and LGT and others , where 100 USA taxpayers or more are known to have evaded billions in taxes, but the Media and the Senate Hearings only talked about 5 of them, why? what happen to the other 95 ? the Senate Investigation is run by S.Levin and S.Coleman, so what's going on ? already one, Olenicoff, who kept 200 million dollars stashed away in UBS and avoided 52 million in taxes, got to pay his back taxes and that's it,he went home ! so this ruling applies to every tax cheater in America ? of course not,Olenicoff is a neocon, so he goes home,anybody else goes to jail and pays 100 million in penalties and interest ! , isn't wonderful to know that America is just a colony of the neocons?

the grab goes on.....get ready for the big one.... this Legislation ,even with great intentions, saves the speculators here and overseas billions of dollars in secure profits , while all the risk,in the trillions, is on the USA Taxpayers, so no wonder S.Grassley and others are against this Legislation the way it is right now , the executives and Board members of Fannie and Freddie will be able to lobby Congress , as they have done with 200 million dollars so far, and slowly move the good mortgages to the Hedge-Funds and Investment Bankers while sticking the bad ones to the USA Taxpayers....isn't wonderful ? patriotic ?

and where are the top candidates? they were away ....but it doesn't matter , the 2 campaigns have the same people that got us into this mess in them ,so nothing much will change, Obama , under very heavy neocon pressure, has included Robert Rubin ,L. Summers,Reich and Paul Volcker among other top AIPAC neocons in his economic team, the same people that abused the Clinton Administration in its last years to steal CPU chip factories,laser technology,satellite know-how , Federal Reserve advanced trading tips,wireless radio patents, aircraft designs,etc.,etc., they are going to " advice " Obama how to do it in America,if you know what i mean,and the other one, McCain , we know that he and his neocon advisers will bankrupt the economy in months....after all, the neocons in the Obama and McCain campaigns work together with military precision, they are the same team,the same intent and the same plan to keep America addicted to oil and gas and so totally dependant on Saudi Arabia and our only " ally " in the region, Israel, the usual trick, so all our money and military will be distracted there and mostly to these 2 countries ,while their financial markets experts over here take care of the USA National Treasury , real estate assets and your taxes, isn't wonderful?

and now the criminal gossip is that : if the markets crash 30 or 40 % down , the Hedge-Funds and Investment Bankers run by the neocons above and with Middle East Oil and Gas Money could get one trillion dollars cash together very fast and buy 10 trillion dollars in USA assets ,the best in every sector with 10 cents on the dollar, and since these neocons control the economic advisers teams in the 2 campaigns, they could do it ! , and who would stand up to them in Washington D.C.? no one !

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Neocon political-military operatives in Obama / McCain campaigns , the oil speculators

The 2 candidates got heavy-duty neocon political-military operatives on their teams

1) take McCain , besides Charlie Black , he's got Phil Gramm, the "Enron Loophole" master...for the money, that is.........also neocon members of the Eisenberg group, the guy who signed the WTC 99 year leases to Silverstein ,Goldman,etc., just 6 weeks before 9/11, in a big rush to put it mildly....he's got also Kravis from KKR and Ken Mehlman who with Fleischer,Ullman,Rosen,Libby,Abrams,Feith,Wolfowitz and Zakheim,among other darlings, created the master plan to invade Iraq,bomb the daylights out of the CIVIL POPULATION ( Ullman : the shock and awe ! guy ) and leave all the arms and explosives depots unguarded to fuel the insurgency and justify more attacks and more contracts,and ond and on, we could go on for days about their military precision plan ....

2) Obama's got Ben-Veniste , who with Zelikow and the Robert Rubin team and others turned the 9/11 Commission Report into a national insult, these ultra-neocons from the political-military hard core section of the Mossad-Aipac kept key questions about WTC-7,Insurance policies from 23 Insurance Companies just 3 to 5 weeks weeks before 9/11, etc. etc. out of the report and with no answers.......he's got Albright,Farber, Furman,Sussman,Reich,and none other than Orin Kramer who with Farber are the link to the Hedge-Funds ( and Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley ) which control 30% of the Oil,Gas,Heating Oil and Futures contracts, the swaps and commodities index funds that pushes oil and gas prices every day up for huge trading profits...the cancer of America and the world...and their managers and partners pay only 15 % in taxes instead of the 25 to 30 % that the rest pays.......the Hearings this month of June 2008 in the HOUSE and SENATE are a must for every student and taxpayer in America,in the Senate the 3rd of June 2008 chaired by Senator Cantwell and in the House the 23 of June 2008 by R.Stupak and R.Dingell, these 2 Hearings and others are a full view of the abuse,incompetence and corruption in Wall Street and Washington D.C....

so the 2 candidate's got some heavy shame in their campaigns, including Jamie Gorelick, the woman that the WSJ called "Gorelick's Wall" in their op-ed before Murdoch took over, she was responsible at the Justice Dpt. in the Clinton Adm. of making sure the Criminal Division in Justice could not talk with the Civil Division ,with Investigations, and with Local Police, she kept the Justice Dpt. divided until 9/11/01 came down, she is the one with General Shaul Mofaz of the Army of Israel, among others, making sure the 9/11 Saudis being tracked down by Mossad had clear access, the traitors...

and all these neocons work together, they may disagree on policy details,but their intent is for the same faith,same country and same military control, these neocons want America addicted to Middle East Oil and Gas forever ,Saudi Arabia and Opec, and with only one friend in the region, Israel, and so forced to keep USA troops there forever and sending money to them forever too...

so will the 2 candidates get rid of the waste and junk? , will they do the job of America? or will they continue to do the job of the Neocon and Oil Lobby's ? what will the 2 candidates do ?

the worst is that there is still not a National Plan to start installing solar panels and wind turbines on every building in America, start manufacturing plug-in electric cars by the millions right now, no plans to start hydrogen and methanol fuel cell cars production lines, no plans to start a geothermal farm in every State, no plans to turn all the garbage into electricity or steam, etc.etc., NOTHING !!!

Thanks to Secretary Rice for demanding that extreme israelis stop stealing the land of palestinian farmers to build luxury homes and condos with USA Taxpayers money, enough! , since the Annapolis Peace Conference these extreme israelis have started all together 3.000 new homes for a total of 8.000 homes, and the USA gets the hate and the bombs around the's time to share Jerusalem and the 2 State Solution, it's time ! ....and because this is the root of most of the hate and violence.

as many are saying, the fact that AP's ( Associated Press) new USA editor in charge is Oreskes,an extreme neocon from the New York Times, is insulting, he was with the rest,Sulzberger,Safire,Rosenthal,Kristol,Rupert Murdoch,Karmazin, Lehrer,etc., pushing for the Iraq War every day in 2002 and 2003, with Senators Schumer,Lieberman,Kyl, Boxer,Feinstein, and Rep.Emanuel,Israel, etc., all pushing to attack and bomb, every day , and now that this Oreskes controls all the AP stories for the USA markets is absurd, and with the total monopoly control that the neocons have over and as well as PBS-TV , America is without a free democratic voice !!!

Politico's June 24,2008 issue story , "Hedge Funds ISO Political Cover", is key to get the latest on the battle between the Hedge Funds and Congress, and also because the Hedge Funds count now with a key asset : the new IRS Commissioner Shulman, he is a dear friend, if you know what i the Hedge Funds will never pay their share,they will stay at 15 % ,while the rest of America pays 25 to 30%, and playing the over-the-counter commodities markets overseas, isn't wonderful? it's a reality, neocons are above the USA Constitution,the IRS laws are just for gentiles...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Neocons against the USA Constitution

One morning last week on , on the 7 to 10
a.m. EST Washington Journal, as every morning in c-span and npr
radio ( as well as PBS) the neocons controlling the network had
another neocon again as a guest, this time R.Franks from Arizona,
his message was that :

all missiles are always good, billions for missiles is
good, checking on what and why we spend billions in missiles is bad,talking to
countries is bad , bombing them is good , that Saudi Arabia and Israel are always good and the 2 State solution is bad, that being adicted to foreign oil is not that bad, it makes us be there in the Middle East forever spending money on our partners Israel and Saudi Arabia, that Obama is unthinkable as
President ( !!!!) and that they are 60 in the House always voting
with AIPAC and the rest are bad , and you could tell that these 60
ultra-neocons in the House have NO INTENTION OF RESPECTING THE RULE
urge the Intelligence Community to check these fanatics out,their
chit-chat with AIPAC and the Mossad boys in Washington DC ( as well as the extreme sunni wahabis of Riyadh with the money ready for terrorists), neocons like
Duberstein,Wayne Berman,Ira Fleischer,William Cohen,Henry Kissinger,
Chertoff and Mukasey,Joshua Bolten and Eliot
Abrams,Schumer,Emanuel,Lieberman,Harman,Levin, Bloomberg, Wainstein
and Edelman,Kaplan and Firestein at State,Cohen from Exxon-Mobil, Kravis from
KKR,Schwarzman from Blackstone and the Diller boys and girls from the money
laundering machine , keep the 2 eyes on them, these neocons have no
intention of letting America vote freely, they are fixing something,
you just have to hear the tone of Franks to see what's coming, let's
hope we still got some real patriots in the Justice and Pentagon,
enought to stop these freaks....we must remember that to put another
country's interest ahead or above the USA and the USA Constitution
is High Treason and High Crimes, it's illegal and Court Martial

In the meantime , we need Congress to stand up and renew the
RENEWABLE ENERGY TAX CREDITS , Production Tax credits extension,
for solar,wind and alternative energies, that will expire in a
few months, America must be Energy Independent , with training in
solar,wind, hydrogen and methanol fuel-cells, geothermal,hybrid-
electric motors, new batteries, fusion ignition research and new
composite materials, is amazing to see how Honda will have fuel-
cell cars for consumers in California in August 2008, how Nissan and
Peugeot with NEC and Mitsubishi will have lithium-ion cars around
the world while here GM,Ford and Chrysler only have huge stock
options for their executives and no alternative energy cars in
sight, just bla-bla-bla and concept cars, what a criminal shame !

and remember that in the Congress, Schumer and Emanuel ( with the Clinton camp) and Lieberman work with Bolten , Abrams and Wainstein in the White House and
with Berman,Eisenberg and Kravis in the McCain Campaign,they all work
together,for their faith and their cause,so they share
Democratic ,Republicans and Independent strategies and nothing
ever changes, ever !

As soon as we become Energy Independent,the Middle East stops being
important, it's the neocons working for Saudi Arabia and Israel the
ones keeping us addicted to oil and stuck in the Middle East, let's
set America and the taxpayers free.

also in the Washington Times , May,23,2008, Inside the
Ring : "Israel-China Link" we learn that Defense Intelligence
Officials said that "...China's new J-10 jet fighter was built with
the help of Israel,under the US-sponsored Lavi jet fighter program
canceled back in 1987.... The J-10 and Lavi share many of the same
design is considered comparable to the U.S. F-
16...The Lavi was developed with 1.8 billion in U.S. aid to
Israel...China will sell the J-10 to Iran...

in other news: ....the 9/11/01 WTC terrorists were financed by
wealthy Saudi Arabia private sponsors,were 15 of them came
from....Saudi Arabia and the U.S .refuse to investigate...

and yet none of these stories ever gets into the mainstream
Media,why ? who controls this great country ? the neocons of the
Saudi and Israeli Lobby's , that's who !

so who are the real enemies ?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

9/11/01 and the Insurance scam, neocons and the signed and dated Iranian bombs

another neocon is at it again :

Larry Silverstein and his partners,the ones who got the 99 year lease on the WTC from the Port Authority of N.Y. and N.J. just 6 weeks before 9/11/2001 is suing airlines,insurance companies and airport security companies for 12.3 billion dollars in damages in the U.S. Southern District Court in Manhattan, as usual Judge Hellerstein presiding, since 9/11 all the cases about the attack have been under 2 Judges only, Hellerstein for Material Damages and Michael Mukasey for Human Damages, amazing how only orthodox Shas -Ramaz Congregation members - israeli-american Judges control all the aspects of the 9/11/2001 attack, incredible,eh?

Silverstein and his partners got 4.6 billion dollars in a settlement brokered by Eliot Spitzer, since the Insurance Companies knew the whole deal was a criminal racket and refused to pay-up,so now Silverstein with Hellerstein as Judge again and Mukasey as A.G., will no doubt secure another huge pay-dayfor Silverstein, even when they may take money away from other victims, but hey ! MOST OF THE REST OF THE VICTIMS ARE GENTILES,SO WHO CARES ,RIGHT?

this is a test for America's men : if Silverstein gets paid again for his crimes, America deserves these criminals amontg them, what a shame !

the only paper i know with the story is the , because since the attack , all the details about the Trials ,the secret election of the Judges, the Insurance Companies hearings and depositions,everything is being " blocked-out" by the regular newspaper media and the TV Networks, what a criminal enterprise we got running this great country !

and the guy who signed the leases with Silverstein representing the States of NY and NY was none other then L. Eisenberg, now a top fundraiser for Senator McCain with Kravis of KKR and Mehlman ,etc., incredible how they support and mantain their cover !

Kristol and his AIPAC neocons are pushing now the " Iran weapons in
Iraq " sindrome, the neocon political appointees in the Pentagon,
Edelman ,Whitman, etc., are again with the same cuckoo: Dated and
marked Iranian weapons found in Iran..... so the Iranian regime now
dates and signs weapons for export? do they think we are all dumb ?

do they think the Iranian Army is that dumb? after 9 years of war
against the sunni iraqis of Saddam Hussein ,the Iranians , and with the help
of some loose neocons at the CIA and USA Military , got to be very sharp, why would they date and mark their weapons for iraqi shiite insurgents?

in the last 2 years, according to the BBC,NYT, WSJ ( before Murdoch),
WTimes ( before Solomon), etc.etc., the Pentagon and press found in
Iraq and in Dubai ( remember Chertoff saying that the Dubai's were
safe to control USA Ports ?) they found American made switches,motion
sensors like the ones we can buy in any hardware store,
they found remote door openers,etc., all made in the USA
and by the box, and all were used to make IED's ,road bombs, etc.,and
we never got an explanation as to how they got into Iraq's shiite and
sunni groups, and now they talk about weapons signed and dated by
the Iranians ? this is all so stupidly criminal that 30 % of the
voters in the USA will fall for it, they will send the bombers to
Iran and no one will do anything....they need to distract from the 2
israeli spy cases in the news, the old partner of Pollack in N.J. and
the trial of AIPAC in Alexandria,so this distraction is ideal,we are
going to Iran and no one will do aything,after all, the TV Networks
and D.C. do only what the neocons at AIPAC decide,so that's it.

after all, most of the dead will be gentiles and most of the money will come from gentiles , so who cares,right ?

and let's not forget, all this since it started in 2003 is for the
benefit of the Military and Security contractors, and their main
stockholders,the Hedge Funds, and they run Washington DC and the
Pentagon,so that's it and they will blame Bush for all of it, his advisers are making sure he only makes mistakes over and over again, so that his legacy is a total disaster, and he is the only one to get the big blame, brilliant,eh?

America, get involved in Washington D.C., they don't work for you,but you pay all their salaries and perks , get on their case.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hedge-Funds next bail-out, McCain and KKR, King Murdoch and the FDA,Comcast and Qualcomm blocking the Net, 1.000 giga-watts of Solar and Wind

The day America becomes Energy Independent, like Brazil, that day the Middle East stops being important for America, that day we stop spending our Blood and Treasury there, that day we are very smart, rich and free, so let's get there fast. has 2 key stories on issue April,17,08:

a) The Senate and House Appropriations Committee's are under attack, the Senate's Committee must look for a new leader when the great Senator Byrd decides to retire, "Senate Legend's ' last Hurrah ' ? "
he is a hero who stood-up against the War on Iraq vote, watch Body of War , , and the
sharks are circling in, instead i hope Senator Leahy's choice is the
one,or himself ?.....the neocons on the House Foreign Affairs
Committee want to take over Foreign Aid power from Appropriations ,so
just imagine all the jumbo's loaded with Treasury leaving for Tel-
Aviv....they'll probably move the Mint to over there for security....

b) another key story is : " Hedge Funds Eye Student Loan Market" and
with President Bush talking about the Federal Gov. buying Federal
Student Loans,a bail-out smells like fresh meat to the Wall Street
sharks...mmmm! another feast ! ...these Hedge Funds made billions on
the War on Terror Contracts,on the War on Iraq and Afghanistan
Military and Security Contracts, on Border Security,On Airport
Security,on re-construction everywhere, they financed the bombs and
the re-build, smart ,eh ? and now they will make a mint out of the
Education debacle, wonderful,eh? but hey ! they got the Media on their
side,so there is no scandal, Rupert Murdoch makes sure the WSJ ,the
NYPost and Fox-TV talks wonders about them,and Senator Schumer and his
goons makes sure they pay only 15 % Taxes instead of the regular 25% ,
so they make out from the start,isn't wonderful to be a neocon in
America today ?

and Congress? well, they just approved to turn the NYCity Library Main
Branch into the Schwarzman-Blackstone Library, one of the biggest War
Profiteers gets American Culture named after him,amazing,eh ?

and about bail-outs,do Bear Stearns ,Citi , Morgan and Merrill, do
they have to pay back the billions ? or is just another gift from the
USA Taxpayers?

on the financial media:

c) Senator McCain's adviser's team is now run by Big Money, the head
of his Fundraisers is none other than Kravis from KKR, the biggest war
profiteer with Blackstone above,these 2 and TPG are way ahead of the
pack, and they back McCain, great,eh ?,
also key fundraisers ,backers and advisers in McCain's team are Ken Mehlman, Loeffler , Adelson from Sands Casino and Freedom Watch,etc., and none other then Lewis Eisenberg, the key operator in the 99 year lease of the WTC to Silverstein and Goldman just 6 weeks before 9/11/2001, what the hell are all these neocons from the Mossad-AIPAC doing in McCain's team?
How can Senator McCain talk all month of April 2008 about " greedy executives " and " bad special interests " while his team is packed with them ?

Thanks for his service to America , but does he think we are all stupid or is he a liar? , what is it,John ? war profiteers and neocon warmongers from the Mossad or America ? tell us ,John, tell the truth to the American People ! , and please skip the " dear friends...", all these criminals above and raising money for you are not my friends.

and no wonder the Senator wants to bomb Iran and stay in Iraq for a few more years,no war means no business and no profits,the Hedge-Funds and their executives above make billions speculating long and short on oil and gas, "swaps" on war, derivatives and bonds on contracts,insurgency, terrorists and more contracts, it's very simple.

d) the key also is in books like Bad Money from Kevin Phillips, , where Neocons ,
Bernanke , Greenspan ,Big Oil , War and Hedge Funds really mix, to
national bankruptcy....

but so what ? all the Media is now pushing the farce that food prices
are the result of ethanol and biodiesels ,instead of the cost of
diesel for transport and fertilizer speculation ,the Oil Lobby is so
powerful, they can spin anything....and they got ABC and George and
Charles to focus on the lapel-flag-pin, while the country is on fire,
Washington DC is incompetent and corrupt to the core, and they talk
about pins,what a way to fool everybody, because 30 % of the voters believes all this nonsense and decides elections...

America needs 2.000 - 3.000 miles of new transmission lines for solar and
wind power plants and farms, to link the grid and homes and make the
transition, America needs the President and the Congress to push for a
massive plan to manufacture wafers for solar cells and modules as well
as wind and water turbines, 1.000 giga-watts of solar and wind to start
setting America free, will they do anything ?

as the media points out , 60 giga-watts is 45 nuclear power plants,
what do you want ? when do you want it ?

Right now,one of the most powerful criminals in America, is using
the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal to complain about the
FDA checking on the Tobacco Manufacturers, when since 1996 we know
that Tobacco companies have been manipulating the seeds of tobacco to
increase levels of nicotine and nitrosamines ,etc., to addict
customers to their brands forever, and so Rupert Murdoch wants the FDA
to stay off this genetically modified drug design tobacco,he has
and is making billions from tobacco, for years he was executive Board
member of PhilipMorris,with his buddy Carlos Slim Helu, and he still
makes out real good from it in ads and sponsors , and so what about
the enfisema and cancer, eh Rupert? what about it ?....all the while
the FDA, perhaps the biggest most corrupt and incompetent agency in
our little universe can't even check the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
foreign components , never mind defending consumers from fixed

and we must remember that the NYPost,the NY Times, ABC,CBS,Fox and CNN
were big time pushers of the Iraq war, every day in 2002 and 2003 they
were pushing to start bombing Iraq, with Senator Schumer,
Boxer,Lieberman,Coleman,Feinstein,etc., with R.Emanuel and Bill
Kristol,with Safire and Blumenthal,with Kagan and Wolfowitz,with Feith
and Perle and Podhoretz,etc.,etc., the neocon darlings did a great
job,and now many of them blame only Bush and Cheney and
Rumsfeld,brilliant !.....the USA Taxpayers should send part of the
Iraq War Bill to Tel-Aviv and the Aipac-Israel Lobby, the rest to
Saudi Arabia and their sunni wahabi Lobby,let them pay for their own
designed criminal disaster....

another key is , as well as
,and , these 3 vital networks are under neocon
influence, specially the 2 first ones, every taxpayer must get
involved,we need fairness, we also need Open Access on the Internet,
there is a new Bill in the Senate ,
, by Senators Dorgan, Snow and Kerry,etc., Internet Freedom
Preservation Act , that may be the right one, get involved ! ,
already Comcast and Qualcomm, etc., access and TV chips , are working
hard to block and control access and content, it's a disaster in the the case of Qualcomm, telcos like ATT and Verizon Wireless
are offering exclusive access to TV only using Qualcomm's Media Flow
proprietary software , monopolistic and criminal,so Washington will go
crazy for it, as usual...

in c-span and other outlets, every week or so , someone calls with the same message: "...we must support only Israel because they are the chosen people by God..." and similar covenants come from muslims too sometimes, and to this America must be very clear: The USA Constitution and the Declaration of Independence say :" ...all men are created equal..." , so to put some above others is Un-Constitutional and illegal, in America this is a racist fraud...and about God, the only one that would suggest that God loves some humans more then others is Satan, to suggest that God is racist is satanic, only Satan would try to divide and confront the work of God, only the devil would try to do that, so it's just another test from God,like life itself, God wants to see how we manage with human life and free will.

Motorola is about to collapse unless their 3G and 4G phones with Wi-Fi,WiMax and LTE could get video from any user and any source,including TV, but no! the TV Networks (and the Telcos ) using the Taxpayers TV Airwaves and Spectrum ( leased) are blocking any one from sending video and TV to anyone, what a criminal state of affairs ! this great country in the hands of a pack of thief's and Lobby's corrupting Washington D.C., what a criminal shame !

Brazil is making diesel from sugar cane as well as ethanol , while Washington is talking about another meeting and another Committee, and the truckers are going under and the airlines are shrinking and small and medium self-employed workers are going bankrupt just driving around looking for jobs , contracts , permits and supply's, but what do they know or care in D.C. ? the nightlife is bubbly, the federal money rolls and the Lobby's are there ready to help , so who cares,right?

America wants Energy Independence and Internet Open Access today , and
it's up to you because Washington D.C. is not going to do it for you,
they work for someone else, you have to get involved today....

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Motorola under neocon control, Sec.Gates against the wall, McCain clueless again and Energy Independence under attack

in my humble opinion, these are key issues for Congress ,Law
Enforcement and the USA Taxpayers :

1) Motorola, a key company with huge Government contracts is being
hijacked, Icahn and his partners, Meister and David Dorman are taking
over the Board,and Dorman was chairman of the old ATT when they were
tapping everybody ,land lines and fax, and even so he and his team
were able to almost bankrupt the company, the stockholders of ATT
lost billions of dollars under the leadership of Dorman, the USA consumers
and taxpayers were abused and extorted, and the Constitution
insulted, i urge the Yale U. team suing ex-Dep.A.G. Yoo for torture to check
the abuses of the old ATT under Dorman as well as Seidenberg of
and now we have Motorola under the neocon AIPAC control of
Dorman,Meister and Icahn, and as many in Washington object: Motorola
makes the cable boxes for Comcast and others, Motorola makes modems-
routers and legacy PBX's for all branches and DPT's of the Gov, including
FBI,CIA, NSA, White House,Energy-nukes and all the rest, and even
when so many see massive security holes in this new neocon team
controlling the hardware and software of MOTOROLA, NO ONE IN D.C.IS

another firm under attack is AMD, because without competititon Intel will control the CPU market and will control most access to the Net, the other choice Via-Centaur is under license, but Washington D.C.......where is D.C.? what are they doing ?

2) so they will steal the elections, Motorola is at the center of voting
machines, so the neocons will steal the elections , that's it, say
hello to President McCain and his advisers:
Kagan,Kissinger,Bolton,Lehman,Scheuneman,Schultz,Lieberman ,Graham,Gorelick,Wolfowitz,Feith,Perle,Kristol,Murdoch and their wonderful partners in Tel-Aviv,Netanyahu, the Shas
Lieberman and the great kids of Kach now reformed to avoid going to jail for
terrorist acts and nuke-tech- weapons sales to Pakistan-India-Iran-
N.Korea and China, a wonderful and ready team specially since Senator
McCain this week again for the third time got confused and called
AlQaeda a shiite group working with Iran, so he is so clueless that
his Mossad-AIPAC advising team above will help him get everything in
proper order.

on the Washington Times, April,8,08 : "McCain Advisers tied to foreign lobbying" is a great article, and also on this same paper this week we found out that all the new USA electronic passports key chips are made in Holland,Germany and Israel and the radio antenna set-up is done in Bangkok-Thailand ,so there must be thousands of blank USA electronic passports being used by the Mossad and others ( white powder anyone ? ) as well as special chosen customers, wonderful,eh? and the obscure neocons in State ( hey! Kaplan how you doing ?) running the show will get a medal from Chertoff,Mukasey ,Bolten,Bodman and Olmert.

3) at the center of the storm are some of the staff in Congress and
the DPT.'s , some of them are corrupt and working for the Lobby's,some
are very honest and very patriotic, the key is to keep the good ones and vote
out the bad ones and their bosses, ,
has the salaries and perks of most of the staff in Congress, get
involved or we are going to lose this great country and the USA

4) Iraq needs technology to get their economy going so that we can
leave, because the same neocons in Congress that got us into this Iraq
mess,Lieberman,Schumer,Emanuel,Feinstein,Collins, etc.,are asking
Sec.Gates at Defense to ask the iraqis for money for operations and
re- cosntruction, so they are putting the USA Soldiers against the
Iraqis, these neocons are brilliant,eh? so expect more death and destruction,
the neocon's got to pay for all this crime, it was and is with

From North Dakota and Montana to Canada,in the Bakken Formation, on 25.000 square miles,the rock and earth contains 3 billion barrels of oil , the smart way would be for the USA and Canada to team-up and get the thousands of wells going, without spilling one gallon of toxic waste anywhere, is it too much to ask? i guess so, we still don't have water turbines off the coasts,they took the solar panels off the White House, we don't even have one thousand cars running on hydrogen , not even 2.000 gas stations with E-85 and no planes running any new synthetic - ethanol fuels, we only got billions of dollars going to the Middle East one way while the oil sheiks buy our best assets and finance their fanatic religious causes, way to go ,America !!!

Now more then ever : solar , wind , water turbines, geothermal and
hydrogen fuel-cells with " ethanol-jet-fuel " is vital, we must
make America , Europe and the world Energy Independent, this is job
number one.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Benedict XVI, Europe and USA, the neocon " oil and greed wars " and the fall of the christian culture

To Pope Benedict, your trip to America is at a time of wars for
oil ,thefts and distraction, here are some points of economic and
military nature for your database:

1) the 2 main players, Saudi Arabia and the Oil Lobby , and Israel and
the Neocon-Aipac Lobby are the most interested in keeping the USA and
Europe addicted to Middle East Oil and so get money the first and
money and troops the second, USA troops in the Middle East guarding
the oil wells let the Saudi and the Israeli do their thing: the Saudi
can keep their one party fanatic rule and extreme sunni-wahabi sect in power where woman are second class citizens with almost no rights,
and the Israeli can continue stealing the land of the Palestinian
farmers,build more cities on these occupied lands and get billions of
dollars from the USA taxpayers under the threat of terrorism,because
when palestinians ask to get their lands back, they call them
terrorists ,incite violence by killing a few civilians and then shoot
the rest, the orthodox Shas and others have made very clear that they
want all of the palestinian land for themselves, so they will kill
them one by one,and the USA and Europe paying for the bullets and the
earthmovers will get the blame and the revenge.

Fact : in the last 6 years, the 10 biggest Oil and Gas Companies in the USA have made 820 billion dollars in profits, according to the financial media and while Oil and Gas prices go up non-stop, and this is the same amount we are spending until the end of this year in the Iraq War, that is the transfer,brilliant ,eh?

2) the way they keep us addicted to Middle East Oil is by fabricating
conflicts against Russia and Venezuela,like expanding Nato and
fabricating stories of theft about Chavez and Putin,the neocon media constantly puts out stories about Chavez and Putin with billions under their beds, and because
without Russia and Venezuela the only other big
well so far is in the Middle East, we are forced to focus on the Middle East with troops and money , but this "conflict fabrication" is evil, plain and simple,can you please tell them to stop ?

also we are distracted from the Arctic Sea and other areas with paranoia stories about polar bears and whales, like we couldn't take care of them and drill responsibly, so it's ok to send kids to die in Iraq as long as the Polar Bear eating habits don't get disturbed, what a farce ! the neocons must pay for all these crimes, since they started to push for this war in the Neocon controlled Media in 2002 and 2003 until the end of the nightmare,shame !

we have , , , where the neocons control the message and the messengers, specially in c-span and npr, they block any talk of responsibility about the "war push" in 2002 and 2003,they block any talk about AIPAC and their influence in Washington DC,about the Oil Lobby control of the Political Agenda,it's shameful and illegal the way they block any caller from talking about these issues and others, it's like living in a big lie, it's un-american,these networks belong to the Consumers,Stockholders and Taxpayers, not only to the Neocon and Oil Lobby's , it's criminal !

3) the economic crisis is the doing of Hedge Funds and Investment
Bankers, they have been selling sub-prime mortgages over and over,
with bonds and swaps, to get fees and commissions again and again, and
to buy more Military and Security Contractors, because the Hedge Funds
are the biggest stockholders and bondholders of most of the companies
providing goods and services to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, a money
machine, they have made billions from the blood of others, as long as
there are deaths,they make money, this is evil, so will you tell them
to stop? ...........and the neocons in the
Congress,Schumer,Lieberman, Kyl,Berman,Ros-Lethinen,DiazBalart,
Emanuel,Fainstein,Coleman,Graham,etc., make sure these Hedge Funds
pay only 15 % in Taxes, when everybody else pays 25 %, so is theft
too ! and these and others were the ones pushing for the Iraq War in
2002 and 2003, see the movie "Body of War ", what a shame !

a nightmare to see some in the Congress getting millions of dollars in political contributions from the Hedge Funds and Investment Bankers like Bear Stearns and then letting them get 30 billion dollars in taxpayers bail-outs so that B. Stearns executives like Schwartz,Cayne ,Spector,etc., can collect millions of dollars for their stock and to pay for their multi-million luxury condos in Central Park in NYC, what a pack of thiefs !, and with the help of Federal Reserve Geithner, Bernanke , SEC's Cox and a few tears...

4) this is not new, since the Middle Ages, the neocon orthodox bankers
financed the trips and ships to Western Africa for diamonds and gold,
a market and trade which they control to this day , later for slaves,
so when African Americans talk about the bad europeans who did them
bad, we must clarify who run the diamond and gold markets,like the
Rothshilds who were the biggest bankers to King George III, the worst
enemy of the United States of America and its Founding Fathers, and
who lost to them,thank God !.....and we need clarity about this among
the African American Community , we must remember that it was the european-americans who got them out of Slavery, it was the european-american christians who died in the Civil War to end Slavery, the ones who signed and fight to the death for the USA Declaration of Independence, the USA Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

5) the Middle Class in America and Europe ( and the whole world)
cannot afford a mortgage,a credit card and huge interest ,huge utilities billls and a 3 to 4
dollar a gallon-liter of gasoline or diesel to travel to work or run
the business truck or car, its impossible, and already in the 90's
many of us asked the Clinton Administration and later the Bush
Administration to switch to solar panels/concentrators, turbines and hydrogen
fuelcells to cut down the workers bills, many knew that the whole
thing was going to bankrupt the Middle Class and wreck the whole
Economy,but the neocons and the Oil Lobby have a total grip on
Washington D.C. and no change happen,and now the economy is a waste,so
can you ask Washington DC to switch ? , and can you start by
installing solar panels and thermals ,turbines , fuelcells,desalination plants and
geothermal units in the Vatican ?

USA and Europe leaders,in the pocket of the Oil lobby, are waisting the new generations with Debt and Incompetence,with Corruption and Greed ,let's be clear about it : these leaders in Washington D.C. and Brussels are committing the worst High Treason to their own by not switching to solar,wind and water turbines,hydrogen fuelcells, ethanol and biodiesels for planes, trucks and cars, hybrid-electric cars and trucks,geothermals and clean diesels from natural coal to gas to liquid, by not training workers and students,engineers and designers,builders and building supply chains , because by not installing solar and turbines on every building in their Continents, they are working for the enemy,plain and simple,lets hope the kids get involved in politics and kick all the incompetent corrupt leaders OUT !!!

We always will need and use petroleum,but never more than 50 %, we
must balance with solar, wind, fuelcells,geothermal,fusion,new
batteries and synthetic fuels,ethanol and biodiesels and what the kids
today discover, we need to make Energy Independence and new Energy a
basic knowledge in schools, like languages ,sports,History, HTML and
Linux, basic and simple....and here the neocons are attacking again
our Culture, because the "stupid TV" and junk foods,suggary sodas and
gossip tabloids ,etc.,are not an accident, they are military precision
tools to dumb down the gentiles, and they are succeeding,christians
are getting mentally weaker and losing identity, right now in the USA
we can't even talk about the points i mention above, it's a
disaster,so can you break the nonsense ? can you break through?

Education is one key area, look at the USA, where the neocons are trying to install a new National Teachers Union leader,Randi Weingarten, who is very close to the orthodox israeli-american lobby of Rupert Murdoch and Joseph Lieberman,Bloomberg and Schumer,and all the neocons controlling 95 % of the media in the USA, as well as Junk Foods ( Yrene Rosenfeld from Nabisco-Kraft Foods in Switzerland, the Tobacco and hard liquor executives, the Monsanto top execs like Shapiro who started the Genetically Modified seeds for corn and soy,etc., and now control all of them and the farmers future,etc., etc.) their plan is to keep track and control of what the gentiles study, what the goyim learn, to keep them on a leash, slightly dumb and weak, in "need" and under supervision, what they always do, and the USA christian community can't even demand and get another christian in charge of the education and teachers of their own kids, what a criminal shame ! ......and the same goes for the Service Employees International Union and Andy Stern, he and Weingarten are trying to corner the USA Unions leadership's and make deals to benefit the neocon status and themselves,a disaster for the workers long term and for America's Democracy.

about the War in Iraq, today the Media ( GAO Report,
) inform us that just 95 weapons projects have gone overboard and over
budget 295 billion dollars, their total cost is 1.6 trillion dollars,
so the Hedge Funds and Investment Bankers have taken over the Pentagon
and its all gone to hell, programs like video training for 300 million
dollars,when they can do it for 30,etc.,etc., circuits and electrical switches have gone through Dubai and the UAE all the way to the terorrists to build bombs, the same friends that DHS Sec. Chertoff said were the right ones to own and guard our USA Ports are the ones transfering "detonators - door openers -motion detectors -etc." to terrorists around the world, and we just found out again ! (NYT,April.2.08,"US alarmed as some Exports veer of course in the Mideast") and while the rich wahabi sunni in Saudi Arabia keep on sending millions to their Muslim Brotherhood -AlQeda partners to fight the USA for siding with the israeli's stealing the land of the palestinians with USA made weapons ,trucks and radios, what a criminal nonsense !

and it's total chaos, but
hey ! the christians go for it,so who is worst? the criminal satanic
neocons or the dumb and weak christians ? The first one that must be
Energy Independent is the Military and the Governments, from USA to
Europe,they must be with multiple choices of fuels, technologies and
sources, how can't they see this ?'s been years and the Pentagon is still stuck on only oil,gas and nuclear ,this is criminal ignorance.

( and to all the USA soldiers and officers around the world : Senator John McCain again confused the sunnies with the shiites and called AlQaeda a shiite group,he has done this twice in the last few weeks, in a radio interview , again in Jordan and again on April,8,2008 at the Committee Hearings with General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker, so you soldiers can die fighting for your country and yet this politician after 5 years of war does not know the differences between sunni,shiite and AlQaeda , in my opinion, this man is unfit to be in the Armed Services Committee deciding your future,much less as a Presidential Candidate, this man should resign from the Senate and go learn the basics , what a criminal shame ! )

America and the world need new energy sources to break the power of the
neocons and the Oil lobby ,as well as an Open Access Internet, only then we have a chance to neutralize these neocons and the warmongers for profit and get to the logical next human level , and we need God's help, can you be there?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Energy Independence: tax credits end in the fall of 2008

it's very important to remember that in the fall of 2008,all the alternative energy tax credits expire, tax credits for solar panels,concentrators and thermal tubes, for wind and water turbines,geothermal,ethanol and biodiesels,fusion ignition, hybrid-electric,hydrogen fuel-cells, your project, if you don't/can't convince Congress ( House and Senate) to extend these tax credits,there will be no investments, no plants,no research,no solutions, nothing...only more addiction to Saudi Arabia Oil - Gas Lobby's and to the neocons in Israel, and so more USA soldiers deaths and more USA taxes down the drain...

even the Pentagon is having huge difficulties to push synthetic fuels for planes, new coal-to-gas-to-fuel-mixes, when the first one that must be Energy Independent is the USA Military, how can they try to stop this ? who they really work for in Washington D.C. ?

...also another company under the "neocon disaster spin" is Freescale, stuck with Blackstone's 16 billion dollars in debt and junk bonds,this Freescale makes key chips for Motorola and other mobile phone makers,what a disaster if Freescale or Motorola would go down or to foreign investors,what a national can President Bush and Congress don't act on this ?

Blackstone and his partners (like the rest of the Hedge-Funds) are very rich while paying only 15 % in taxes,while the rest in the USA pays 25 % to 30 % in taxes,and this is thanks to Senator Schumer and others in Congress,they lobby very hard to keep this abuse off the Senate floor for a vote, what a criminal shame ! .....will they ever investigate the links between the Hedge-Funds campaign donations to S. Schumer and his work to keep this tax abuse going ? naaaaaaaaa ! his friend Mukasey is now in charge of Justice,so nothing will ever be investigated.........and so it goes in this great country ,the abuse and destruction of the Rule of Law , Energy Independence and the USA Constitution every day and by our own politicians.....

in Latin America ( as in Africa ) smart leaders can make deals to trade and to explore for oil and gas ,like China is doing,instead we seem to be just looking for fights ,why the bullying ? why we have to do what's best for the neocons ? when are we going to start doing what's best for America first ?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

McCain,Iseman ,Nader and the neocons,Murdoch and the FDA, potassium carbonate filters

America deserves more than this nonsense of little lies and cover-ups...

Senator McCain was clear : he never went to see Paxson and Vicki Iseman at the same time in 1999, before he sent the 2 letters to the FCC on behalf of Paxson, but today ,Feb.23,2008, the W.Post and the N.Y.T. reports on Paxson himself saying that McCain and Vicki Iseman were indeed there at the same meeting with him doing the push, and then McCain sent the 2 letters to the FCC , which found them insulting and bordering on illegal....but hey ! Straight shooter McCain has 2 key advisers to distract from the "little misunderstanding" , Wayne Berman and Henry Kissinger, the first one is the point man for the biggest Hedge-Funds in D.C. and the second,well...we all know the power of Henry " the Butcher " Kissinger in D.C., he is the King of Neocon himself, the master of wars and death, no one human survives against him, he spread death and destruction promoting the Vietnam War,then the Condor Operation in Latin America and then he pushed for the Iraq war in the 2002 White House,a real darling of the death McCain is in good company, Berman ,Kissinger with Joshua Bolten and Eliot Abrams are masters themselves at twisting truth and facts to fit the neocon agenda, they will have McCain, Lieberman and Bloomberg in the White House in no time, honest elections are just a "little detail" for these neocons,and besides, they count now with a secret weapon: Ralph Nader is running as a Green Independent, to steal votes from the Democrats and push McCain into the Oval Office, brilliant ! ....95 % of the population in the USA don't know that Ralph is a good mensch, a good soldier of the Knesset, so it's a done deal ....

b) and about Wesley Clark, he was Nato commander bombing Serbia and killing thousands of christians in total excess and then he went on to Lobby for Private Data companies, making millions of dollars from it, and also to Lobby for certain companies pushing databases of people and businesses to "neocon contractors for the Government with plans to spy on americans" in 2002 to 2005, remember ? ,so this israeli-american lobby'st must explain what he gets from Adelson, Murdoch, Leviev, DeBeers,Bloomberg and his partner Merrill Lynch, Blankfein and Goldman Sachs , and from Maurice Greenberg , the guy that as chairman of A.I.G. collected disabled workers premiums and put them in his company as income and for his stock-options and salary instead of paying the States, then he got caught and paid 400 million dollars in fines to these States and SEC and went home nice and easy , take that for power and neocon abuse !

c) just to see the power of these neocons, the other day Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal had an op-ed editorial pushing Avastin from Genentech-Roche for breast cancer, and since Rupert has made billions of dollars in ads from woman's make-up, eyeliner,deodorant and lipsticks,and since these chemically-loaded products (specially phtalates and colorants) by gravity end-up in the womans breast with no exit and turn into bad cells and cancer,he must feel the pain,so now he pushes a colon and lung cancer medicine for breast cancer, at 92.000 dollars a year for treatment !!, amazingly and criminally brilliant !!

Rupert has personally benefit with hundreds of millions of dollars in stock options and salary from these womans products ads in his TV ,cable,tabloids, etc.,and now his partners in Genentech and the FDA ( the top approval team is like a neocon club) are moving in for the kill, the financial kill that is,the other ,the woman's,they don't have time for that...what a criminal shame that Washington D.C. never did anything to.stop this crime ,shame ! the FDA just approved Avastin for breast cancer, when they never mentioned what most in the medical community know,that chemicals in face make-up and lipstick is what goes down to the breast and turns into cancer cells, but the "grease " is powerful,money bends politicians in D.C. as well as some doctors and medical investigators, so silence while more woman get cancer is powerful indeed !!!

i would urge all woman to only use organic and natural make-up , lipstick,eyeliner and deodorant,etc.,with NO CHEMICALS OF ANY KIND AND NO PHTALATES OR DERIVATIVES OF IT , and to consider getting together and finding a good lawyer to get some Justice, so that no one woman more in the world gets cancer from these chemicals ,not one more !

d) and since we are talking about toxic chemicals, 2 Los Alamos Labs smart investigators ,Martin , Kubic and their team have come up with a way to use potassium carbonate to absorb carbon dioxide, why not install these "filters" on coal power plants ? ,in cars ,trucks and airplanes? , President Bush and Congress could push a serious plan to bring practical solutions to market right now , helping private industry move on it fast, will they do anything ?

Cuba is suffering, and some say its because of Castro, but it's important to remember that Fulgencio Batista ,before Castro, run Cuba as a warehouse for the Mafia,the Chicago -Las Vegas and Miami families, they used Cuba as a depot for liquor,weapons, stolen goods, drugs and prostitutes, as everybody knows in the island ,Batista and his 40 families run Cuba like a private kingdom,Batista and friends were known to use the old medieval tradition of "pernada" , where he and his friends,the biggest landlords in Cuba,could demand a night with any woman about to marry, this and the very low wages the farmers were getting while the masters were getting drunk and high at the Casinos was the fuel for Castro's entrance, it's important to see the whole picture,there was abuse,corruption,crime and waste to a staggering level, the island was what it was : a Mafia sleep-over and hide-away,imagine what it was......what would you have done if these armed and violent foreigners were doing this to your own country?

this week the Governors Association, , asked President Bush for a second massive Public Works Stimulus package, with new rails ,roads, bridges, new energy solutions,etc.,federal investments, but what will Pres.Bush do? will he listen to the neocons that want to keep America addicted to Middle East Oil and Gas and so forced to send billions of dollars to Israel and Saudi Arabia as a security ? to Israel in grants and military gifts and to Saudi Arabia in the form of Oil and Gas Purchases? what will the Prez do? listen to the neocons or to America's future ?

that's why Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee must stay "in" until Convention and for the American People , we still don't know the end of it ....

Friday, February 15, 2008

Sale of Government Properties for 17 billion,Rails and Amtrak,FCC Safety Spectrum,Geothermal,ILEP and the Judges

Dear President Bush, these are issues were your leadership is needed:

a) the House and Senate are pushing forward Legislation to streamline the process to sell , in only 30 to 90 days , about 20.000 USA Government Properties around the country,empty or in disrepair and worth 17 billion dollars, " Real Property Disposal Pilot , 2009 Budget " , W.Post,Feb.8.08, before it had to have 13 different reviews to approve one sale,the new fast streamlined process is being pushed by the Congress Committees, so we know the "grease and juice" is in motion, in other words,when the D.C .Congress Committee's get excited, better hold on to your pocket,call the cops and tie down the properties before they fly for pennies to Bermuda,Cayman Islands and beyond...its racket time ,big time !!! , if we could have an honest sale, the Taxpayers could make some money, but since it's the last year in a Presidents term,we know its "clean-up time" and "connected time", it's nightmare and beyond, could you please keep one eye on it ? and keep the "sticky fingers of the neocons" in D.C. away from the cake ?

b) Amtrak needs only 1.7 billion a year to do its thing and do it good,but some politicians would like to cut the money,let the rails go down and build condos and offices on the tracks and stations,after all,they use helicopters and jets to make deals,but for the rest of America,Amtrak and Light Rails is a "no-brainer",and with 7 billion more over 3-5 years , what we spend in 2 weeks in Iraq and Afghanistan, Amtrak can have a total upgrade, for rail , engines and cars, and service everywhere, just what any other country can only dream about ,and right here in the USA we can have it , could you and only for your Legacy, make sure Amtrak/Local Rails are upgraded,tune-up and ready to go for another 50 years ? we could test fuelcells,coal-to-gas-to-liquid , electric,hybrids,etc., what a chance !

c) in the FCC auctions, the Safety spectrum,D Block,has no takers so far , and just 1.3 billion is needed, and since the whole auction took in 19 billion instead of the expected 10 billion, , why not do it right ? ,right now ? and give all Police,Fire, First Responders,etc., a tip-top communications system ? a first class network ?

if you notice,these 3 vital issues, require only what we spend in one month in Iraq and Afghanistan, and can be paid with the sale , honest one ,of the Government properties above mentioned , so it's a matter of getting organized and making sure the "sticky fingers " don't stick on anything, can you make sure it gets done right ?...just by keeping the usual neocons away, its 99% done.

and thanks for including in the Budget still debated , money back for clean fusion reactors, the sun energy, America has invested good money in fusion and we are getting closer,let's get the technology to work and let's hope the Oil Lobby does not "delete" the funding from the final Legislation, and thanks also for some Money to clean-up and recycle nuclear waste.

Training of carpenters,plumbers,electricians,masons,engineers and architects in the new solar homes with thermal tubes,concentrators and PV panels,with turbines and batteries,with hydrogen fuelcells, with plug-ins for the cars,with ethanol,with geothermal,with fusion and with coal to gas to liquid capturing carbon dioxide is vital, can you please get on with it ? this year LeMans car racing series run with E-85 , so if they can,why not the rest of the country? why not you ?

d) in the wireless world, America is losing ground and now we find out in the Media, W.Post,NYT,WSJ on Feb.11.08 that Motorola is about to sell a mayority stake in its wireless network systems to Nortel, now run by Zafirovski, the same guy who almost wrecked Motorola before,and Motorola wireless networks are part of the Government and Military infrastructure, how can they sell it to a neocon like Zafirovski and with his prior record? ...........and Comcast is at it again with snooping, with deep packet inspection with whatever intent(!!!) , with slowdown in service of anybody in competition with its own video offerings,etc.,so we got a real problem, we are going backwards instead of forward, can you save Motorola and set Comcast and its neocons straight? , because Washington D.C. is busy with other things like wealthy baseball players ,steroids , HGH and what about old politicians running for office with sudden muscle build-up and sudden massive energy attacks ?

e)The whole Housing Market collapse is because owners can't afford the mortgage,plus utilities and gasoline to go to work,we should have switched to solar and wind turbine homes with electric plug-in cars and hydrogen fuelcells with gas as fuel years ago , but Washington D.C. is so corrupt with Oil Lobby Money and the neocons keeping us addicted to that Oil so that we have to keep our troops in the Middle East and sending them money that we don't have any money left to move the country forward and free from this stupid -------, what a criminal shame !

f) As you well know, the Chukchi Sea between the USA and Russia in Alaska has about 10 to 15 billion barrels of oil and gas, could we make a massive deal with Russia and , saving the whales , the bears and their herds with pathways and food sources,go down with great care and without spills and get the stuff up? we need new ships, new drill technics, new platforms,new partnerships with Norway and Sweden that have experience, etc., why not do something smart for a change? , insted of constant fights with everybody, why not try smart energy partnerships until we can get out of the Oil and Gas Dependency? and never mind Joshua Bolten and Berman and Abrams, you are a big guy now, you don't need to do always what the neocons from the Mossad advise you to do , right? ...i know you will never do it, but at least i try...

g) just to show you how corrupt some of these friendly neocons are , check the series on ILEP and Milberg Weiss the 13,14, and 15 of February ,2008 , , were we find out that Judges and Trial Lawyers were really working as a team, all the way to the Bank, and this is just the tip of the the way, Michael Mukasey was also a guest of the why not break a while from the neocons and really do something new and wonderful for America?

h) On Geothermal, so may projects here and there are working great but disconnected, why not a National Plan ? power plants of 300 to 1000-kilowatts can be set up with just 160 F underground water,why not launch a national infrastructure? Popular Mechanics has a great story this month,, what a way to go Energy Independent!

As Monsanto controls 88 % of all the Genetically Modified seeds and we still don't have Genetic,Chemical and Clone Labeling in all our foods, i hope your trip to Africa provides all of us with new Trade,Commerce and Friendship opportunities,as well as a new GI Bill for veterans here at home,we need new ideas and smart new entrepeneurs, training and capital is the key and you still got 11 months left to do wonders.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Servers of Voting Machines at County,FEC,will get hit=Neocon Fraud,Swaps and Derivatives with the War,IRS new neocon Commissioner,Mogilevich in Russia

Here are some points from the Media, some Oil Investors and War
profiteers are doing great while others are doing very bad, and now
Energy Secretary Bodman is telling the Senate that the Future-Gen
plant to capture carbon dioxide from coal in Illinois is dead on the
water, and the Senators act surprised !!! whoaaaa! even an ignorant
like me knew that Bodman, an ultra-neocon from AIPAC-Mossad was only
interested in keeping America totally dependent on Middle East Oil
and so stuck supporting and feeding Israel and Saudi Arabia forever, but
the same Senate voted to confirm Bodman and now the disaster hits's like when they confirmed Porter Goss, a well known
racketeer who had to resign when the White House and the Congress
found out about his Cunningham and others tricky doings,and like when
they confirmed Chertoff who now we found out knew about the
formaldehyde in FEMA trailers for New Orleans and his Dpt. was
telling their own employees to don't spend any time inside the trailers while
not telling anything about it to the New Orleans users, a crime !,
and the Senate knew how incompetent Chertoff is and still he got 93 votes
in favor! and Mukasey the same, a Lawyer-Lobbyist for the Neocon Oil
Traders and the Israeli Lobby. in favor of torture and with many
still unknown "customers" in the Caspian Sea, in TelAviv and in the Tax
exempt shelters and re-insurance worlds of Bermuda,Cayman Islands,
Zug and Gibraltar,etc., a real darling , and he got confirmed ! Mukasey
is the last person that should be in charge of the Justice Dpt. of
the United States of America, and now the Senators are surprised !

....also because as a neocon, Mukasey's intent by sort of
"supporting" torture is to create hate from the whole world against
the USA, keep America and its christians against the rest of the
world, also putting all the Armed Forces in danger of torture and
even tourist overseas,if arrested,being tortured in rataliation, it's a
brilliant move by Mukasey and his friends and supporters S.Schumer,
S.Feinstein,Judge Hellerstein ( with Mukasey the 2 Judges controlling
all the 9/11/01 Victims and Insurance cases) and S.Lieberman, their
goal is to keep America always against the rest of the world and with
only one friend : Israel, so they can get billions of dollars in aid
every year and now another 30 billion dollar gift in advance
weapons ,and the christians in the USA will never figure this out,
never !

1) on the Washington Post , Jan,27,2008:" Little Trace of Slowdown
for Defense Contractors" where we find out that Defense and Security
Contractors with work in Iraq and Afghanistan are booming, while
here in the USA there is less work,less jobs,less money and the only
thing going up is the price of gas, food and utilities,etc.,and
while some Generals and "experts" are talking 2020 to leave Iraq at
Congress Hearings this month, isn't wonderful?

2) the Center for Public Integrity is pushing the "concept" on a new
report that only 7 people lied about the Iraq War : President
Bush,VP Cheney,Sec. Rice,Sec.Powell,Sec.Rumsfeld,Sec.Wolfowitz,Press
spokespersons Fleischer and McClellan, and this is a FARCE ! ,this
Center is run by neocons and financed by more neocons as well as
Soros,Shuman,Ford,Rockefeller,McArthur Foundations and others, its
a " NEOCON DAMAGE CONTROL CENTER", their report focus the lies on
the 5 gentiles and 2 israeli americans from the Mossad:Ari
Fleischer and Paul Wolfowitz, both also financed by Aronson and
other Kach partidaries, the extreme neocon group of Lieberman of
Israel , who just broke out from a Knesset coalition and basically
wants all the palestinians exterminated and their lands ,christian
lands and properties included,taken over by extreme israelis ,a
nightmare of fascist racist bullying....the Center's goal is to
distract from what many mention : WITHOUT THE DAILY PUSH OF THE USA
STARTED,so shame on all the criminals! ....and don't forget R.Rahm
Emanuel and S. Schumer with S.Feinstein,R.Lantos and R.Harman almost
every day on the News Hour-PBS and Sunday's talk shows pushing to go
bomb Iraq,they really did their job well, with military
precision,after all,they all are top leaders of the Army of Israel,
good work ! and about the 2 israeli-americans,Fleischer and
Wolfowitz,they will make a deal and accuse the other 5 of being the
real evil masters, and the media will help and the final blame will
be on the 5 gentiles only ,as usual !

3) the FEC has only 2 commissioners, Mason and Waintraub, the last
one ,Waintraub,she voted for herself which is illegal, but with only
2 members,they can't start investigations or lawsuits, it's a
perfect plan because they are going to steal the elections, they are
going to facilitate some " accident" with loose isotopes ( Samuel
Bodman and his neocons control the Energy Dpt.) and the Congress
just found out that they have thousands of paid experts without any
experience in WMD ,NYT,Jan,24,2008:" Hiring of soviets scientists
has strayed from aim, audit says" , they are many russian-israeli
and israeli-americans and the isotopes are like anthrax
spores ...remember ? they get lost easy when sticky fingers are the
ones watching in the hysteria and chaos they will push
McCain with Lieberman,Bloomberg or Feingold, then McCain will have a
Human Growth Hormone over-flash and booom !!! to the Hospital and
the neocons take over the Oval Office,and with the FEC
impotent...well, its a done deal ! and my christian community ?
watching the games and eating hot dogs ! no time for coups !

...remember that Congress also found out that the worst incompetents
are now in charge of the most dangerous BIO Labs of the Military ,
so spores or isotopes, we are going to get hit and the McCain-Army
of Israel team will move in and finish the job...

4) the Congress ,Jan,29,08 , is conducting Hearings about the new
IRS Commissioner , Douglas Schulman, a nice neocon from the
S.Schumer-S.Feinstein - Hedge-Funds circles,so America which is 80
% christian will have a man in charge of their taxes and the IRS
that belongs to the small minority of orthodox tax exempt
professionals,the ones pushing diamonds and gold from Africa while
wearing religious garbs and claiming tax exempt religious status,
and they will access all USA taxpayers data and act accordingly,and
with Mukasey and Wainstein in Justice,every taxpayer in America is a
target, it's a "gentile's money ATM", isn't wonderful ? so the
Senate will quickly confirm Schulman as IRS top guy and we will lose
another key asset, our own taxes, brilliant Congress !!!

5) Servers and data-fax lines of Voting Machines at County and FEC
HQ's are going to get hit big time with data-numbers swaps,NO ONE IS
WATCHING THEM !, so they will pick their candidates, and their
numbers, isn't wonderful? and the christian community ? watching the
sport pages and the sport specials and eating junk foods and anti-
acid medication...

6) America must get out of the Oil,out of the Middle East,out from
under the control of Saudi Arabia and Israel, but unless all the
kids in the USA start running for office today and working to break
free, we will lose, Washington D.C. and its politicians,
staff,lobby's and Dpt. bourocrats are the cancer,they are terminally
corrupt and criminally incompetent,they spend their days working to
keep their jobs and huge perks,to keep it going AND KEEP THEIR
CHAIRS , and what they keep going is pure cancer and ignorance, it's
addiction to foreign oil , addiction to some neocon bankers and
Hedge-Funds playing SWAPS ,derivatives and games with Military
Contracts and War,with the National Debt, and it's a national
disaster....we need new leaders and citizens in Washington D.C. to
get us out of the "Oil-Only Economy" ,because we will use Oil and
Gas for a long time, but we need to start the SOLAR HOMES WITH
GEOTHERMAL,FUSION AND "CLEAN NO-Carbon-Dioxide Coal to Liquid
Diesel",we need to recycle nuclear waste and a full Water Works to
avoid another drought this summer,AGAIN ! ... Washington has not
done anything in the last 7 years, only talk but more Oil, only chit-
chat and more Wars for Oil,they have done NOTHING,SHAME ON THEM!
TRAITORS ! .....
so the kids must run for office with the Constitution in the Hand
and save America !

about SWAPS: WP,Jan,25,2008:" Complex Financial Trades worry Economy
watchers" were we learn about SWAPS: "Credit Default Swaps" or side
bets on financial developments,like the politics in
Africa,Russia,North Korea or the events in Europe or Latin America
related to any company or legal case...can you imagine? they are
betting our money away on international and local affairs !!! so now
some of the big banks lost 100+ billion dollars, and they want the
taxpayers to foot the bill,and all the while some Wall Street
Bankers are collecting gigantic bonuses:"WP,Jan,18,08: "Dire Year on
Wall Street Yields Gigantic Bonuses", and since most banks and Hedge
Funds are heavily invested on Military and Security Contractors in
Iraq and Afghanistan,they are making a mint the more they die !!!
isn't amazing ?

now , Jan,30,2008, the SEC and FBI are investigating some firms, like
some of the smart bankers who
were dumping the worthless loan packages while still pushing them
around to investors, like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley and others
perfect timing getting out of the market while these swaps and
derivative subprimes were still being pushed around, but how much
power will the FBI and the SEC have with Mukasey and Wainstein in the
Justice Dpt? it's like the CIA Torture Tapes Investigation, the
special prosecutor is under Mukasey's control , so nothing !

Newspapers by Bronstein,the NYT and Boston Globe by Sulzberger and
his neocon team, the WashingtonPost editorial pages by the Graham
team ( luckily the reporters are still some of the best in the
world) , the Tribune and all its TV's by Sam "Tax free" Zell, the
Dow Jones,FoxTV and News Corp. by Murdoch and partners,NBC and MSNBC
by Zucker etal,CNN by Klein and his minions, and on and on,the
neocons have a total lock on news, good idea when you work to take
over the elections and the Government,and they will succeed most
likely, the Christian Community is busy ......doing something,
whatever they do....ohhh yes !, 40 % of the guys are watching the ---
-- of the players at the games, yeahhh ! that's what they do!and 40
% of the girls reading gossip tabloids at the supermarket checkout
counter and getting more junk foods we will lose America and
the USA Constitution.

8) in the NYT,Jan,26,08:"Russian Police Arrest a Suspected
Racketeer",where we learn about Semyon Mogilevich ( alias Sergei
Schneider,etc.) ,he was one of the key money launderers in the YBM
Magnex-BENEX Corp.-Bank of New York affair with Peter Berlin and
Luzy Pritzker( alias Lucy Edwrds,etc.) and the Kagolovski couple and
others and who transfered from many points including Russia to many
points and trough the Bank of New York accounts under their names
about 17 billion dollars over 2 years, at least and in one of their
channels, and when asked they said they didn't know where the money
was coming from and where it went, and since they were all good
connected neocons, they paid a fine ( Peter and Lucy ) and staid in
their home in New Jersey, and only Mogilevich was on the run because
he had multiple other tricks that the FBI wanted him to talk about
it, so he got cought in Moscow trying to do another tax scam,
so at the time,Michael Chertoff
and Michael Mukasey, Hellerstein , Rakoff and Kaplan were in charge
NJ and
NY of some of the key Courts, so could anyone in the Congress ask the
Russians for a little
team work so that we can get to the bottom of this multi-billion
dollar money laundering racket ? after all,since the above,
Chertoff,Mukasey,Hellerstein ,Kaplan and Rakoff have nothing to hide,
will be more than happy THAT SOMEONE ELSE'S , AND NOT A NEOCON FROM
RIGHT ?....but we know Congress or the White House will never ask
any questions,these money launderers are too close to the Insurances
in Bermuda and Cayman Islands,where the neocons just to have the big
motherload,and too close to the little deals of M. Greenberg of CV
Starr and AIG ( at the time)and all the other investors and re-
insurance of the World Trade Center of NYC and Silverstein and
and 9/11/01,
it's too close for comfort,right ? , so D.C. will quickly push it
under the rug and
drop a 10.000 ton rock on top of it,as usual.....

Obama ,Paul ,Huckabee,Edwards and even Clinton ( without the neocon
racket ) , together they can really get
America going, and stop the warmongers and the War profiteers and get
this great country out of our Oil Dependency, our Saudi Arabia and
Israel total dependency, the nightmare and bankruptcy with no end...

...and very sad to see how the neocon media only talks about
McCain,and at Debates they even cut-off Paul and Huckabee, amazing
abuse ! there is no more Democracy, just a neocon media pushing their
agenda to keep America addicted to oil and to Saudi Arabia and
and no one says anything !

actually,yes...the neocons talk a lot : case in point: Senator
Schumer, chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, was on Feb.,1,2008
talking about loss of jobs and blaming only President Bush and his
Administration...maybe!,but Schumer ,according to the NYT and WSJ
(before Rupert's take over) , gets together every month with top Hedge-
Fund managers for dining and schmoozing at the best restaurants in
Manhattan, then he gets a massive Campaign Donation and he goes on the
Senate floor against raising the Hedge-Funds partners taxes from 15 %
to 25 %,which is what everybody else pays in the USA, and Schumer is
good at it,in 2 weeks work, he kills the idea and the Hedge-Funds tax
rate stays at 15 %, and no scandal, no questions, no nothing !
amazing , eh ? and the rest of the Senators? NOTHING !!!,so the
biggest stockholders in Security and Defense Contracts,the Hedge-
Funds, the only ones making money out ot the War with the Oil Lobby ,
they get to pay less taxes and get the taxpayers that pay more taxes
to finance their Investments and all the Contractors and the whole
War,so the friends of Schumer "take it in " 3 times,while the
Taxpayers lose 3 times,isn't wonderful ? and all thanks to Schumer and
friends, a real patriot ! and he gets on the Floor of the Senate and
blames only the President of incompetence , on top of it ! can
we find just one Congress Member with the integrity to call Senator
Schumer for what he really is : a corrupt incompetent liar ? can we
get anyone in the Justice System to tell America how can Schumer
collect from the Hedge-Funds and kill Legislation to raise Hedge-Fund
partners Taxes to the level of everybody else's taxes in the country ?
IS HE GOING TO GET AWAY WITH IT AGAIN ? ....... after all, it was
Schumer ,Emanuel and Lieberman some of the biggest pushers for the
Iraq War, among many other neocons, every day on TV,Newspapers and
Radio on 2002 and 2003 pushing to start bombing and attacking Iraq,
they are responsible for the disaster ! and now they re-write History
and blame others !

Huckabee and Paul are being "deleted " by the Media, shame !!! we need
Debates with all of them: Clinton,Obama,Huckabee,McCain and Paul on the same stage, so that the USA Voters can see the real solution,no more "tricks and editing" from the Neocon Media,what a criminal shame !

about renditions...

According to the NYT,WP,WT and WSJ ( before Murdoch's take over) in
2007, most of the renditions and torture was done somewhere in
Kazakhastan,Kyrgyzstan,Turkmenistan,Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and
maybe Afghanistan,and during 2006 and 2007, while they were
dismantling the posts and erasing the trail,the Advisers and Lobby's
of the group of Michael Mukasey and his son were in these same
countries doing deals and advice ,legal and economic ,for Oil and Gas
Companies and the local Governments which own most of the oil and gas
fields, as reported by these newspapers , so could the Congress find
out what Mukasey , his son and partners were doing in that Caspian
Sea area while some in the CIA and Mossad were cleaning up the rendition
trails ? is just an amazing coincidence? or something else ?
because Mukasey was the sole Judge,with Judge Hellerstein in 9/11 Victims
cases, in all the Insurance cases in the 9/11/01 Terror attack, so
these 2 had absolute control of all the facts and Media info related
to the 9/11 Court cases and Money issues, they controlled the whole
affair,and is only fair to ask, since they were in the Caspian Sea
repeatedly at the time , what do they did there for these
Governments? ...but we know that with S.Schumer ,S.Feinstein and
Joshua Bolten in the White House behind them, no one in Washington
D.C. will ask any questions, right?

Torture by the USA has become the best tool for AlQaeda to get new
recruits around the world, and the biggest supporter of
torture,Michael Mukasey, is his best friend, brilliant !

if USA soldiers get arrested they can get the same torture, absurd
and criminal !

Will anyone in D.C. stand up for the USA Constitution and impeach
these criminals and traitors? naaaaaa ! no one ! so America and
torture has become one and the same idea around the world, AlQaeda
could only dream about getting so much help from the USA to get new
recruits and new suicide bombers, what a criminal shame !