section 9 of the USA Constitution is very clear : no one holding
office in the USA can have a position or hold a title from any Foreign
State ,King or Prince; and that all Legislative Powers are vested in
a) in the Washington Post,Oct.11.2007:"Attorney General Nominee Made
His Name With Terror Cases" as well as in the NYT,W.Times, etc., we
learn that Michael Mukassey , A.G.nominee is an orthodox israeli-
american member of the Kehilatz Yeshurun Congregation in Manhattan as
well as main leader with his wife of the Ramaz School , a center for
Orthodox Studies and Training , all part of Congregations based in the
State of Israel, and where many of its members are part of the State
of Israel Congress called the Knesset, a country without Constitution
and where Laws are voted specifically and based on their religious laws
from the Talmud Torah , and where religious organized leaders like
Michael Mukasey hold public office, and while i respect the Israeli-american
community in the USA very much, they must ask themselves , why must american public offices be run by foreigners? would the israelis accept christian-americans taking top Justice positions in the Israeli Knesset? i dont think so.
b) a few days ago, US Senator McCain suggested that the next USA
President should be a
Christian, and right away the Israeli-American Lobby declared itself
deeply troubled about
McCain's assertions ,so the US Senator backpedalled and that was it,
not even an elected USA Senator can expose the horrible fact: that all
the 39 signers of the USA Constitution (plus the secretary) and the 56
signers of the Declaration of Independence were Christian, that fact
must be ,according the the Israeli-American Lobby,be kept secret or
else.( WP,NYT,WT,Oct.07)
c) the 9/11/2001 attack by 15 Saudi Arabia nationals and 4 others from
the Middle East was divided for trial purposes into 2 parts presided
by 2 Judges: Judge Hellerstein for Victims and Judge Mukasey for
Property and Insurance issues,and until today,all issues and details
related to the attack trough these 2 trials are under seal, no one
has any information about them,why ? if they were straight terrorist
attacks by known foreign terrorists, why keep everything secret? why
can't the USA citizens and taxpayers not know anything about the facts
sourrouding these attacks ? are we all supposed to be stupid? is it
because 85% of the people in the USA are christian that they don't
need to know anything? only the orthodox have a right to know ? why
the secrets? and why the 2 Judges in charge of all the
trials ,Hellerstein and Mukasey are orthodox israeli-american ?
here are some huge conflicts of interest for Mukasey,what will the
Judiciary do?
1) Congress is considering what to do with Insurance Companies based
in Bermuda that pay very little taxes,4 to 11 % as compared to 30 %
for USA based Insurance companies, and since most of these companies
are owned or run by israelis and israeli-americans ,what will Mukasey
do? already even Democrats have stop suggesting that Hedge Fund managers and partners pay the regular 35 % in taxes instead of the 15 % they pay now, that in itself is insulting to all the taxpayers in America, it's to impeach the whole racket, shame !
2) the case of the nuclear switches being exported from the USA
trough Dubai and to Pakistan by the Dr.Kahn network was run by 3
orthodox israeli nationals, Wisser ,Meyer and Asher Karni, sometimes
with european and other dual passports,so what will
Mukasey do? an orthodox israeli american Congregation in New Jersey
took Karni in and paid his legal expenses right after his arrest with
the nuclear switches in Denver ( Justice,Commerce,Interpol,Scorpions
Police of SouthAfrica) ,what will the Judiciary do? will
they even ask any questions?
3) PurduePharma ( OxyContin ) is being sued by the State of
Kentucky for lies and fraud, and since top executives and
stockholders in charge are israeli-american, what will Mukasey do
about this?
4) the morning of October,11,2007,a caller to
reported that her Insurance Company was demanding she used TEVA-ISRAEL
generic drugs, not even Teva USA, so she started to ask why and then ,
as usual when there is a question about Israel, she got cut-off,what
will Mukasey do about these monopolistic abuses as well as the demands
by the Orthodox Israeli-American Community that all Foods in the USA
pay a fee to have a Kosher sign in their containers? isn't that a
forced tax as many taxpayers say? who gave the Orthodox Community the
right to ask for that? what will Mukasey do? and Congress? will they
even ask?
5) the purchase of 3Com by Bain Capital and Huawei from the Chinese
Government is being advised ( huge fees) by Goldman Sachs run by
Blankfein and advised like many chinese deals by Kissinger and
partners ,and since Blankfein,Kissinger and Mukasey are all members of
the same orthodox israeli-american congregation group,isn't that a
huge conflict of interest?
and now the DoJ wants to start a Joint Task Force among US Attorney's to watch
for Technology thefts, so they think about putting Ken Wainstein in charge, when this Ken with
Ross Feinstein at the N.I.D. office ,Edelman-Whitman at Defense , the Bodman group at
Energy and other neocons in State have never said anything EVERY TIME A FOREIGN BASED neocon HEDGE FUND WAS BUYING KEY MILITARY AND HOMELAND SECURITY CONTRACTORS, they were the ones looking the other way while everybody else was warning Washington and asking if anyone was in charge, what a criminal shame ! , so with Mukasey and Wainstein controlling the Justice Dpt. they will pass all the Security Tech. to their partners in Israel and Bermuda while they accuse the whistleblowers as terrorists and insurgents , take that for criminal abuse and high treason ! and they will do it, most american christian men will be busy watching the games, FoxTV and Rush"OxyContin" Limbaugh,shame ! .....and we must remember that there are 8 top positions at the Justice Dpt. to be filled, who will choose them? ,will Mukasey ,Schumer,Emanuel,Lantos,Lieberman and Joshua Bolten choose neocon political appointees for all these top Justice Dpt. positions ? is President Bush going to surrender this great country totally to the neocons of orthodox Mukasey and Podhoretz ? , how can you do that, George ?
and to distract all from the abuse and High Treason, Mukasey and his partner Podhoretz, the 2 neocon advisers to Giuliani will push to start military incursions into Iran, will push to start legal conflict against Russia, Venezuela and Cuba, and they will succeed in creating chaos and take over the State before the '08 elections,many american men and woman hate so much Edwards,Clinton and Obama, that they don't care if this great country becomes a colony of Israel, anything before working to put a logical Edwards-Obama-Huckabee-Paul-Richardson-Gravel-Kucinich-Hunter team in office and save America, they will not care and we will lose this great country to the neocons and their orthodox masters.
...we could go on for hours,there are 30 mayor deals of Military and Security Contractors where Mukasey has a
huge conflict of interest, but the main issue here is: will the
Judiciary Committee and then the whole Senate ask these questions?
we know that the Senators won't ask any of these questions, but that
will make,according to the letter of the USA Constitution, will make
the confirmation of Michael Mukasey as Attorney General of the USA an
un-Constitutional act,illegal, high treson and criminal, null and
as a taxpayer in this great wonderful country that always was there
for me , if Congress confirms Mukasey as A.G. without asking him about
his legal and religious obligations to foreign organizations and does not ask him to break his
alliance to his State of Israel Religious Orthodox Organized
Congregations, i will not accept Mukasey as the USA Attorney General,
to accept this would be to go against the USA Constitution, and that i
will never do,so help me God.